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San Diego Reader
This newsprint magazine publication put out an article entitled "9-11 Could Have Been Stopped In San Diego" in their September 8 2016 edition. The article details how 9-11 terrorists Khalid al-Midhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi were allowed to live untouched in San Diego even though they were on CIA terror radar. The article details how they escaped detection because of a CIA overriding of FBI triggering due to Saudi Intel agent Omar al-Bayoumi trying to recruit the two Al Qaeda suicide hijackers into Saudi Intelligence prior to 9-11.

The article simply accepts FBI agent James Bernazzini's explanation of the intelligence lapse unquestioningly and never asks the obvious question: "Was this done deliberately by shadow Intel controllers as a pretext to allowing these shadow operatives to pull-off 9-11 in a false flag attack?" Typical of the American Press the question is so dangerous and outrageous that it is simply accepted that it cannot be possible and therefore is never asked. This is typical of the psychological warfare of placing the obvious in broad daylight while flagrantly avoiding its meaning. An enforcement of conventional normalcy against the outrageously apparent...Evil notice while enjoying the sick pleasure of untouchability...

Messages In This Thread
San Diego Reader - by Albert Doyle - 09-09-2016, 10:09 PM
San Diego Reader - by Tracy Riddle - 10-09-2016, 01:22 AM
San Diego Reader - by Peter Lemkin - 10-09-2016, 04:49 AM
San Diego Reader - by Albert Doyle - 10-09-2016, 06:06 AM
San Diego Reader - by Tracy Riddle - 10-09-2016, 01:40 PM
San Diego Reader - by Drew Phipps - 10-09-2016, 11:51 PM
San Diego Reader - by Tracy Riddle - 11-09-2016, 02:14 AM

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