30-09-2016, 05:01 PM
Libya was an extension of the Plan For A New American Century that 9-11 was pulled off for.
The New York Times had an article a decade ago or so saying the US Government had sent a special citation to Muammar Gaddafi for his democratic progress in Libya and effort to bring Libya to world democratic standards. So what is the lesson the rest of the world is taught by the cowardly disproportionate surrounding of his nation by cruise-missile possessing military forces and his mob-like murder by those forces? What does it say to the world when the US murders leaders who they cited with positive democratic attributes?
The citation the US gave Gaddafi was buried by the US media and disappeared while they are ganging up and attacking his small defenseless dusty nation like cowards. This is what the new US is and is also why we are subjected to choices like Trump and Hillary...
If you don't realize it is exactly the plan to destabilize the Middle East's arab nations for Mossad and CIA then you don't understand the deep purpose of this neo-fascist PNAC policy. They are forces that deliberately destabilize and then offer their military solutions to solve the instability they created.
The New York Times had an article a decade ago or so saying the US Government had sent a special citation to Muammar Gaddafi for his democratic progress in Libya and effort to bring Libya to world democratic standards. So what is the lesson the rest of the world is taught by the cowardly disproportionate surrounding of his nation by cruise-missile possessing military forces and his mob-like murder by those forces? What does it say to the world when the US murders leaders who they cited with positive democratic attributes?
The citation the US gave Gaddafi was buried by the US media and disappeared while they are ganging up and attacking his small defenseless dusty nation like cowards. This is what the new US is and is also why we are subjected to choices like Trump and Hillary...
If you don't realize it is exactly the plan to destabilize the Middle East's arab nations for Mossad and CIA then you don't understand the deep purpose of this neo-fascist PNAC policy. They are forces that deliberately destabilize and then offer their military solutions to solve the instability they created.