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US/UK state brainwashing/torture/murder
Tues4Oct'16, BBC4, Pain, Pus, & Poisons: the Search for Modern Medicines'; when progs such as this are on (& I've said before that the shitehounds gravitate towards informative programs & sources newspapers & books) the refs (by auditories & apophenics & muscle spasms & neuralgics & sirens) go-off on a jolly very regular ref'ings particularly to a prog like this medicines/doctor'-type (like anything car'-related, it's a pat theme for the aptly-trained monkeys to follow), very frequent refs. At one point, he's talking about toxins & venoms binding to cancer cells & glowing under UV all these are very pat see "Ear Tattoos". It seems to be intended to create a false impression of expertise sopecifically applied in the moment, & in fact, as I've recently mentioned, in response to my calling-out of the Simian Korps goons as primitives & idiots, the shitehounds've been ref'ing "experts" quite a lot recently, like I'm to be impressed by these arseholes who do nothing but talk shite all the time (throwing their toys out their pram in fits of pique is very real). It seems intended to falsely create a sense of relevant application of diagnosis ("it's in the/your DNA" I get aall the time, sans fuckall else but the gobshitery & Pavlovian pain-training).

Similar to this, is when I'm reading; on occasion, & this happened early morning 3Oct in bed, the loud and sharp mic auditory clicks start-up, sparodic, then increasing to a click every 1-2seconds constantly for 5, 10minutes, moving thru' a pause (this pause is interesting I'm to wonder "where've they gone" & "whens the next coming" all stressing'/wind-up type tactics, & then they start again, sparodically. It's done, not entirely randomly', but thru' the eye-tracking/vision tracking, & is intended to cause anxiety & the rest of it, but to trip' the eye & foil' the minds comprehension of the read to spoil the activety and the learing & enjoyment. Imagine someone was stood behind you as you're reading, and with a pair of those hardwood thick percussive rods occaisionally used in music, a very sharp' & loud noise they make - & these clicks are inside my head, and they're rapping-away with them how would your reading go? It's similar to some of their fear-inculcating that idea I've mentioned before, of pressing the thick end hard against the wall of your bedroom about a third of the way up it, and twanging' the rest of it hard against the wall same thing & it happened quite a lot in NuT in the early hours of the morning. It can get you' quite jumpy. There are holes' in the external wall of my old flat from them doing it.

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[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=8603&stc=1]

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Martin Luther King - "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
Albert Camus - "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion".
Douglas MacArthur — "Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons."
Albert Camus - "Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear."

Messages In This Thread
US/UK state brainwashing/torture/murder - by Michael Barwell - 12-10-2016, 04:48 PM

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