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US/UK state brainwashing/torture/murder
Doctors doc 20Oct2016
I've got a very sore shoulder, getting sorer over 6months. I mentioned it to a retired Doctor (proper); he told me what it was (forgotten), but that it was common, easy to fix, but would get worse if left untreated.

I went to the GP's, got an X-ray & heard nothing, so popped back into the GP's who said the X-ray had been clear (girl at reception); I said it's not clear & made another appointment with a Dr. Rudd (both those Dr's aren't my usual he seems to have left).

The appointment was a bit odd; my log entry for that day goes:

"8Oct2016; Doctors: that trip to the GP's was slightly odd instant [N] service'; he met me @ the door, seemed a bit hesitant (shiny?) and leant very close, and lightly touched my right knee a couple of times". ([N]' is neuralgic pulse; the actual date of the appointment was probably the day before - the delay is me cogitating).

I'd no sooner sat in the waiting room that my name had popped-up on the screen with the room number, and his name wasn't actually on the door. I'd presumed he was new & learning the ropes as I'd noticed a kind of preoccupied' aspect to his manner, or perhaps a bad multi-tasker, but there had been no other task.. Bit detached' perhaps. After the check, he'd been leaning right into me/body space, kinda looking quite intently at me, but with that detached' or preoccupied' pick-up I was getting from him; spoke softly but direct with eye-contact and had lightly touched/tapped my knee a couple of times. I'd thought it that odd to mention in my log.

Anyway, he'd set me up for self ref'ing to the physio at the local hospital after suggesting I start taking Ibu [oh, as I'm typing this up, a swift hi-pitch tone there to the right ear]. I'm not one for pills & had anyway just read about Ibu & the increased risk of heart attacks, so I'm not too fond of the idea of aiding & abetting shitehoundery in any way, and the pain I'm getting is fleeting when I've moved the arm outside of it's narrow comfort zone, not constant, so I'd rejected that. In NuT, as I've said, the Dr there had given me a bucket-full of Ibu & Co-prox for the agonies of synthetic neuralgia torture, so again, I'm disinclined.

Anyway, I was reading this book on neuro-linguistic programming last night; "anchor(s)" is a ref I've had many times (as I mentioned unwittingly on DPF yesterday), & there's a curious coincidence there:

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=8623&stc=1]

I have half a notion that much of what I loosely term refs/references', is in fact NLP, which at least would explain why I got quite a strong reaction from the shitehounds when I took to thinking & saying "Everything you say is shit" - noise & pain apophenics', very much in the sense of petulance throwing toys out of their prams, something that's very common with these wretched people.

I can't remember the precise point that he'd touched my knee, but it may have been during persuading me to take Ibu and he did, persuade me to take it. Tho' I'd also been saying to him, that I thought the shoulder need remedial attention, & that it wasn't a case for physio I'd repeated this several times. The shitehounds would be happy as Larry to see my shoulder/arm loose function & become ever-more painful I've had so many refs to these things, limb-loss' & "paralysed", thousands, & they enjoy watching their victims die literally, and re-running the recordings of it from the cortical modem effect (I've had refs to "Every minute of the rest of your life, recorded", "You'll never walk alone"), so this would be small beer to them. Proviso here I'm not accusing this Dr. Rudd' of willingly & knowingly doing this with clarity of intent, rather, if it's nevertheless so, the shitehounds have their narrative networks [oh!- instant siren 4:32pm], & with no counter-narrative, what they say, stands. And on that point, I'm getting "No-one will believe you"; this has got to be about their direct & hard invasive mind capabilities they're liars & frauds, quite literally & hard', inside the mind. They've gone to an awful lot of effort to schiz- train', afear, traumatise, indoctrinate & literally brainwash me into adopting a set of false & alien beliefs & attitudes so much effort, so much effort.

Attached Files
.jpg   NLPAnchor.jpg (Size: 273.77 KB / Downloads: 26)
Martin Luther King - "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
Albert Camus - "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion".
Douglas MacArthur — "Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons."
Albert Camus - "Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear."

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US/UK state brainwashing/torture/murder - by Michael Barwell - 20-10-2016, 04:50 PM

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