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Why Robert Kennedy would've hated Donald Trump
Tracy Riddle Wrote:Bobby would have hated Trump because Bobby (and JFK) stood for compassion, understanding and basic human decency, ideas Trump would not recognize if his life depended on it.

Bobby no doubt watched the birth of dumb-downed politics when his brother had a serious debate on the issues with Nixon, Ivy League style between two capable candidates with depth and respect for the audience, with Nixon's effort wasted because of a bad makeup artist.

It's been a steady slide downhill since then.

Trump and Clinton are both products of their chosen professions. His outsized personality was cultivated for dealmaking, in the business world where you can get away with off color comments behind the scenes. He's trained himself to keep his game face on even when he's on the defensive, which is unusual in politics where a dose of humility now and then can glean votes. If there was any hint of racism or sexism in the way he actually ran his business, he wouldn't have made it this far. His point about trade deals being made by politicians instead of businesspeople is an example of what his experience could bring to the table, for a change, when the current economic paradigm of world growth through the debt of Western governments is about to collapse of its own weight.

Clinton's personality is still in the process of being cultivated for politics, where the successful ones work rooms making people feel important while looking over their shoulder for someone more important. She's not a natural at it like her husband, and some of the raps on her probably result from a desire for authenticity and privacy and a disdain for retail politics. She no doubt has impressed a lot of people behind the scenes to get this far, but it is also probably true that a hidden hand of special interests comfortable with her husband's governing style lifted her above a lot of other capable potential candidates. She would hit the ground running.

I'm not sure there is enough public information on the issues that count to make an informed decision between the two. She'll provide an establishment solution for any new economic crisis. He might do something more dramatic. He's risky for Wall Street, and that's a big source of the attacks on him. We'll have to wait for the historians to provide hindsight on which would be better.

Messages In This Thread
Why Robert Kennedy would've hated Donald Trump - by John Knoble - 21-10-2016, 05:24 PM

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