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US/UK state brainwashing/torture/murder
I said yesterday that I'd be paying for the post; sorta, in a lite' way, I did those neuralgic shots usually to my head, as I woke from a catnap around midnight, BBC4 on the Cockleshell Heroes "canoes", I started getting those same shots to my left pod which continued throughout the night for another 7hrs, including to being in bed trying to sleep; quite painful I suppose, like you'd' been kicked in them the day before, for 5-10seconds each time, maybe 50 or so individual pain sessions/long pulses'. Had those before, but only individual ones. Along with those, quite paroxyc' long bouts of multiple neuralgics & maser' shots to the head, lasting for quite a long time each time, almost constant really, but changing by type & degree. And lots of auditories. Quite busy.

3:10am, "You don't realise what a friend he is he's got your best interests at heart", MAE ref'ed. This is a common theme amongst the miasma; counting all refs, maybe one of this type every couple of thousand refs a little fishy amidst the fetor.

c.3:30am, "not eligible"; I get a lot of this type; "Corbyn's not fit to be Prime Minister" was another, cos, like "Trump", I get "Corbyn", &, er, apparently I'm not fit to [click, right ear], be PM, which leaves me feeling disconsolate. Same, I get isolated'-type refs, & "friends", or rather, "No friends", like the "No living relatives" I mentioned yesterday. I was reading a book, Ghost Force', Connor, K., last night and saw this below, that "feeling of utter isolation & alienation"-theme is VERY strong on reffront.:

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=8640&stc=1]

As for the current reffront, the shitehounds seem to be simply flailing away in the dark like utter maniacal loonatics' these days, anything & everything, looking for some sort of purchase. To coin a phrase from Airplane' "he's all over the place, what an asshole". No.18's "Not one of us" from last year is the same thing really, but I'd shoot myself (or similar) if in any way, shape or form, I was to be even ever-so marginally associated with these wretched people. I don't much like the way Churchill's billed as some sort of super-blokie he did & said & proposed some stupid stuff, but as for his fortitude & resilience & the rest of it I'll take him, which the shitehounds are entirely unable to, despite their interminable bollocksy balderdash to the contrary.
[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=8641&stc=1]

I'm also getting "letter wasn't sent"-refs. I assume that I'm to think this is of the letter I recently sent to Northumbria police, about how come you missed all this stuff out of your records of my contacts with you'. Sent it to them via Darlington police station too, like you can - so it won't get lost in the post, like. Am planning a trip to NuT to see the PCC anyway, & drop-off at Durham to see theirs too:
[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=8642&stc=1]

9:17pm, "The letter goes no further for now at least", right thumb twitch, last night. & at 9pm, 1x click to right ear to "We're in a golden age of hoaxes" (RT?), echoing the "Golden age of spying/espionage", from the 3some at the Home Affairs Select Committee, a couple of years ago.

That "canoes" thing, regular, started around Autumn2012, when a lad tried to get to France in a stolen(?) canoe.

I wrote in my log this morning, 7:26am, that I'm getting "lets go explore" in conversation with a good bloke I know, & a siren immediately went-off outside, 3x howls'. Just for the bollocks of it, I gave it "Yeah, an' you can go take a flying shit too", & it went-off again. Same ol' same ol' wipin' yer arse on the orthodox protocols of statute, why don't you. "Pratt". Siren.

"Syria/Mali(ffs)/Your own rifle/ We'll train you how to use it".

Attached Files
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Martin Luther King - "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
Albert Camus - "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion".
Douglas MacArthur — "Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons."
Albert Camus - "Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear."

Messages In This Thread
US/UK state brainwashing/torture/murder - by Michael Barwell - 25-10-2016, 05:41 PM

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