16-12-2016, 11:06 AM
Scott Kaiser Wrote:Tom, I thought to myself, why not give you the benefit of doubt, so I started to read what you put up for the first time, but I must say when I got to this part I had to stop and ask myself, is this guy really that stupid or something? I mean, you say...
Quote:b. FederalReserve Bank means a Federal Reserve Bank or branch thereof that presents amoney order for payment by the postmaster general.
Then I thought to myself how wrong can this guy really be? Then I figured it out, you really are stupid. First off, FRB's do NOT cash PMO's directly, your [local] bank does in which they work with the FRB's. In other words, if someone gave me a PMO and I wanted to deposit in my account I don't go to the FRB to do that, I head over to my bank, Chase, and in turn they deliver that PMO to the FRB who then charges my bank. I'm sorry if I confused you!
"Then I figured it out, you are really stupid"_______________ Scott Kaiser, on Tom Scully
Mr. Doyle would bandy that word about, too, Mr. Kaiser. You two must use the same dictionary.