17-01-2017, 06:00 AM
Newman's latest update.
Quote:The revised edition of "Where Angels Tread Lightly" is now available at the CreateSpace eStore:
The revised edition will not be available at the main Amazon site until 3-5 business days from todaythe earliest 1/19/17 and the latest 1/23/17. Do not buy a copy from the main Amazon site until you see the front cover with "REVISED EDITION" on it.
Those who do not want to purchase the revised edition can print out this note on the 2017 changes to fold and place inside their book:
The most substantive change from the original 2015 edition is the correction of the true name for the pseudonym Andrew F. Merton. It is Jack Stewart, not as I originally thought, Dave Phillips. Some of the reasons for that misidentification will be evident in Appendix Three to Volume II, which draws attention to a mistake in the State Department Foreign Service Register. It suggested, wrongly as it turns out, that Stewart was in Mexico at a time that Merton was actually still involved (for about three more months) in several important operations taking place in Havana. That matters less than getting the identification right. I want to acknowledge and thank Jerry Shinley for sharing his extensive data on Stewart, which made the oddity in the register irrelevant. It also enabled me to develop a very detailed life history of Stewart from civil records. I will continue to follow his story, including his continuing friendship with Earl Williamson. I have made some adjustments to other pseudonyms in Appendix Two: the most important (aside from Merton) is the discovery that Reichardt and Karnley are both pseudonyms for Ken Crosbywho was living only twenty miles from me in the Shenandoah Valley until a few years ago. The others are minor adjustments to the pseudonyms for Gerry Droller, Henry Hecksher, Justin O'Donnell and William Harvey. In Appendix Four, the correct date5 September 1957is given for the naval uprising at Cienfuegos to overthrow Batista.