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Lho and the cia
Author Jacob Hornberger disposes of the primary basis for the lone-nut theory. If the Communist Oswald wanted fame for bringing down the powerful U.S. president, why did he claim he was a patsy. If Oswald was a covert assassin, why did he put his gun purchase on a billboard.

Hornberger gets close to real motive citing Kennedy's alleged naivete in the face of the Soviet menace. Indeed our friend from Army intelligence back in the day depicted Kennedy as a "very dangerous man".

A man who presented to Allen Dulles, J. Edgar Hoover, Lyndon Johnson et al as "very dangerous" in more ways than national security.

Dulles saw the "thousand pieces" threat as fighting words. Hoover had bought a temporary extension of his own tenure with the Judith Exner photo session, but would it last. Johnson saw no hope of attaining the presidency and avoiding jail.

And add The Wronged Man. Richard Nixon, whose mark would be upon the later hit on Robert Kennedy and attempt on George Wallace.

And an understated allusion by Hornberger to seducing the wives of CIA officials. Just what E. Howard Hunt mentioned to son Saint John regarding Johnson's motive in putting Cord Myer on the Big Dance.

Of course, Hunt was doing his Deathbed Deflection in masterful fashion, casting guilt toward the long-dead LBJ.

Hornberger appeals to some powerful and uncorruptible investigative body for justice.

The Warren Commission was deftly handled by Allen Dulles and Hoover--and of course Rankin, Liebeler, Specter.

Garrison was undercut by active highest-level CIA and FBI assistance to the four attorneys for Clay. Helms inquiring daily about "our people in New Orleans" where the new teletype fed Langley with the latest, while FBI officials and made judges subverted subpoenas.

The HSCA attacked by media assets, riddled with moles, and fed censored files by CIA, while the Mob-a-lo-mania Blakely deflected, deflected, deflected.

Who outlived Oswald, Hoover, LBJ, Nixon to continue the coverup.

Zelaya was running four planes a day--who is going to get those planes running on time again.

What is the third rail of American politics.

Messages In This Thread
Lho and the cia - by Bernice Moore - 14-10-2009, 07:38 PM
Lho and the cia - by Helen Reyes - 14-10-2009, 09:26 PM
Lho and the cia - by Phil Dragoo - 15-10-2009, 05:46 AM
Lho and the cia - by Myra Bronstein - 15-10-2009, 01:41 AM

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