27-01-2018, 06:44 PM
Quote:I may be wrong, but I believe you have some of the key facts jumbled here Milo
Guinyard's last reference to EAST is a mistake... the LEFT side, and "coming out on Patton on the SW corner" suggest, like Calloway's drawing, they saw the same thing
Guinyard's reference to the southwest corner is the mistake, otherwise he would have testified that the runner crossed Patton at 10th. The testimony on this point is not ambiguous:
Mr. GUINYARD. Just as he come around the corner on Patton, he cut through the yard and missed the corner on 10th and Patton and cut through the yard.
Mr. BAIL. He cut through the yard of the house on the corner of 10th and Patton?
Mr. GUINYARD. That's right.
Mr. BALL. That would be the southeast corner, wouldn't it?
Mr. GUINYARD. The west--southwest corner--the southeast corner is where he started across, but he come out on Patton on the southwest corner.
Mr. BALL. In other words, when you first saw him he was cutting across the yard of the house on the southeast corner?
Mr. GUINYARD. Yes, sir.
Mr. BALL. That's the white house?
Mr. GUINYARD. Yes; the big two-story white house.
Mr. BALL. Did he cross Patton?
Mr. GUINYARD. No, sir; he come down Patton until he got to about 5 feet from the corner of Jefferson and then he turned across and went across to the west corner on Jefferson.
Mr. BALL. What side of the street did you see him coming down on?
Mr. GUINYARD. He was on the left side--when he come down--it would be the east side.
The Warren report reflects this:
Guinyard claimed that the man ran down the east side of Patton and passed within 10 feet of him before crossing to the other side.
Quote:Furthermore, with these witnesses on the EAST side of Patton, none mention this man coming closely by THEM... but away from them traveling WEST on the North side of Jefferson.
They observed the runner from Patton south of Jefferson, who crossed the intersection with Patton at the north side and headed west, no need for a close encounter.
Quote:Bowley - who arrives prior to all other witnesses save Markham sees Calloway take the pistol from where he left it inside Tippit's car and Scoggins takes him in his cab.
Bowley's HSCA version of this incident omits the hood, claiming "he found the officer's revolver on the ground under him" and "picked the weapon up and placed it on the front seat of the scout car." For a completely different version Butler, the ambulance driver, stated:
Upon arrival I noticed an object lying towards the left front wheel of a Dallas Police Dep't marked squad car. After parking the ambulance in front of the squad car, I went to the back of the ambulance where I noticed a pistol lying in the street by the left front tire of the squad car. I picked up the pistol and placed it on the hood and/or fender of the squad car.
There is no foolproof way to arbitrate among the inconsistent statements regarding an essentially trivial event, nor a compelling reason to believe any of them. Elements of truth may reside therein, but extracting them is hazardous.
Quote:First off, the 8/25/64 statement was his affidavit, the FBI "report" was in January 64.
Second, the 8/25/64 statement does not include the word "EAST" nor any reference to EAST or WEST
The affidavit is another document altogether (XVp744). The referenced 1459a document (attached previously) is explicit:
On August 26, 1964, two different photographs were exhibited to B. M. Patterson, at which time Patterson advised that this person (Oswald) is positively and unquestionably the same person he saw at approximately 1:30 p.m., on the afternoon of November 22, 1963, running south down the east side of Patton Avenue between East Tenth Street and East Jefferson Boulevard, Dallas, Texas, with a revolver in his hand.
This August 26 event occurred the day after an August 25 interview. The actual date of the 1459a document is August 27, 1964. Sorry for balling this up.
Complications relative to the numerous statements made by Scoggins (https://deeppoliticsforum.com/forums/sho...m-Scoggins) & Callaway (https://deeppoliticsforum.com/forums/sho...d-Callaway) are the subjects of previous threads covering these events. My thinking remains the same, other than vacillating between Olsen & Hill as the cop who commandeered Scoggins' cab.