02-02-2018, 05:02 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-02-2018, 04:52 PM by Scott Kaiser.)
David Josephs Wrote:Quote:If it's okay with you, I would like to confirm a few things, first, how could you assume Poyle was in Mexico "after" 10/17 when we both know the document is dictated on the 17th of October?
Take a second and READ it Scott... the entire thing discusses events that will happen in the future, not that have already happened in Mexico City...
This one document remains to only item of evidence I have seen that mentions POYLE in MEXICO and this places him there after the 17th and not between the 27th of Sept and Oct 3rd...
Do you have anything to post which places him in Mexico that predates the doc below?
"LIFIRE ASSETS WILL HANDLE" iow; in the future
LIFIRE A joint program with the Mexican security forces. LIFIRE obtained passenger manifests of all commercial flights, passport photographs of travelers to Cuba, and could sometimes even follow a passenger to the hotel with their surveillance truck.
Quote:1. Please look into what "LIFIRES" mean, I could tell you, but I think it's important you find out for yourself. Dont be condescending Scott... I posted the doc for you based on your interest in the man
2. How could you believe Poyle was not in Mexi earlier when the document is dated October 17, 1963? Or, are you suggesting this is when Poyle visited Mexi? The same day the document is dictated? Answered above
3. I have already informed you that Poyle was in Mexi on October 10, 1963, (7) days prior to this dictated document, and on the day Oswald was suppose to be there. Informing me and PROVING IT are two different things.. Here, I'm informing you the moon is made of cheese.. Unless I offer something to prove it to you... So what?
4. I have already proven POYLE was there on 11/21/1963, the day before JACK was assassinated. Again Scott... link me to the proof, the docs, the testimony... anything.
5. I have proven my father reached out to POYLE before reaching out to the HSCA and reached out to Howard Liebeengood at the same time POYLE knew my father had the ONLY known photographs of those involved in whacking JACK. (This too has been proven.) I have to take your word on that
6. Please tell me you also don't believe ANY of this information is also related to the CIA's "Summary & Recap" of November 17-23, 1963, when we know JACK visited Miami on November 16th, 1963, furthermore, this is the very same information found and discovered in POYLE's file Poyle's file? links, post, or copies??? links to the SUMMARY & RECAP you mention too please.
7. You don't have to believe a word I'm telling you, with all the information and stories already planted by the FBI & CIA it's no wonder everyone has their own rabbit hole, and THAT will never allow anyone to ever know the real truth. Stories from James Files to Roscoe White and everyone in between, it's no wonder no one will ever know, sad, very sad Not a matter of belief, Scott. If we believed without authentication where would we be?
Can you give me anything concrete to hang my hat on? This message does not support the idea that POYLE was in Mexico during the CIA's charade.
David, I'm not sure how familiar you are with reading this document, but, if I can help in any small way, I will. First, the document starts off by saying, "Mexi standing by meet Poyle and provide him ticket for first available flight" The document is dated October 17, 1963, the ONLY other time POYLE was in Mexi AFTER October 17, 1963 was on November 21, 1963, so... Are you saying that was his first available flight?
Keep in mind the document is dated the 17th of October, seven days AFTER Oswald allegedly visited Mexi. Someone maybe POYLE may or may not insist on something, but someone will instruct him, may be POYLE this will not be done, (past tense). Something WAS done, and someone may insist on something, but... He is to be instructed it will NOT be done.
Perhaps, can switch plans in October.... "but [present] need meet Poyle" assuming the author is not saying like (before) past tense, prior, and here we go! Prior possible contact with [*****] POYLE, meaning PRIOR TO THE 17th, prior has nothing to do with the future unless the prior altered the future. In this case it did, POYLE who is the same height as Oswald, I believe they both stood at 69 inches, and represented Oswald is why my father showed Poyle the photos in the first place.
Most secure in handling this job, what job do you know of that is considered TOP SECRET, has never been disclosed before, a month before the president gets killed and where Oswald is suppose to be, tell me, please be honest, have you or ANYONE for that matter ever heard the name POYLE before?
"As it possible POYLE stay Mexico may be extremely brief under above plan" let me repeat that again word for word so there's an understanding, or may be, you're not reading between the lines, in this case, the authors words. "
As it possible POYLE stay Mexico may be extremely brief under above plan"
Lastly, POYLE may wait a long time before FORTSON's arrival from JM/WAVE which can cause intimate danger to the whole plan / job, Fortson was taking orders from JMWAVE BUT! POYLE was also to be debriefed by FORTSON, WIN SCOTT was station chief in Mexico, of course he didn't know a thing about what was going on right? Wrong! Scott turned over the photos and tapes of Oswald in Mexico to the FBI and notified Washington within minutes of the assassination that Oswald was in Mexico, tuff break eh? but... It wasn't Oswald, it was Poyle. I keep telling you things, I say the same thing over and over and still, you're not getting it... And BTW... Saying that Win Scott didn't know was sarcasm.This document speaks about the past, present and future, just as the summary and recap did. Like I said, believe what you want, I don't care!
Peter, if you want to move this information too because I mentioned my father, just to try and get a reaction out of me, to piss me off, go ahead! I don't give a crap anymore, I've said my piece, I've proven my case, and I don't care what ANYONE believes! <period>