05-09-2018, 05:12 PM
AS could easily be predicted, the last great battle for Syria, the Idlib enclave, is about to start properly. The US, UK and French are getting ready to militarily respond again - but apparently far more viciously - should a new chemical weapon / gas attack occur. The West has already pinned the blame firmly on the Assad government for this event that is yet to happen. And happen it almost certainly will.
According to the Russians a a British military contractor, Olive Group, has been training Jihadists in Idlib to perpetrate a chemical/gas attack, with the White Helmets standing ready to publicise it to the Anglo-American-French camp waiting to pounce. People can read about Olive Group HERE. This entity almost certainly is a SIS/MI6 critter, which may be why the redoubtable Alastair Crooke in his recent article on the coming events at Idlib avoids mentioning their name. Crook used to be a senior officer of MI6. Crooke's article is HERE. It is a worrying analysis of what could be.
Elsewhere the Middle Eastern expert, Elijah Magnier has penned his recent piece on the same subject HERE. Former British Ambassador to Syria, Peter Ford has also let loose on the madness being prepared to be unleashed, In his article he likens this last (hopefully) major battle in Syria to be akin to the Suez crisis of 1956 - which saw the end of the British Empire, followed shortly after, by the British Pound Sterling relinquishing its reserve currency status (circa 1960's), primarily because of the crippling debts it had incurred fighting WWII - that we now know (thanks to, for example, Guido Preparata), Britain had been craftily engineering since WWI (which the Brits also engineered in it's divide & conquer strategy for the Continent). Ford's piece is HERE.
In rounding off, for the time being, the writers/bloggers I tend to favour, is former Green Beret Colonel and later CIA guy, Pat Lang HERE. It is worth taking the time to read the comments section of Lang's blog, as there are some very informed people posting there - including our very own Lauren Johnson.
Not least, Caitlin Johnstone, "rogue journalist" and an admirably feisty one at that, has shredded Nikki Haley's recent pronouncements in the UN on the planned false flag event. No one deserves shredding than Nikki Haley in my opinion. I wouldn't let my grandkids near her in daylight let alone on a dark night. On the other hand if one had an ample supply of wooden stakes and garlic, others may well wish to meet her on a dark night. Not I though. Caitlin Johnstone's article is well worth reading and her many links worth checking out too. The one she has for a declassified CIA report from 1986 in which the CIA are blame-storming on ways to cause an uprising in Syria (HERE).
She also links to one of my favourite Youtube clips (below) that I regularly show people who argue that the Western narrative on Assad and Syria is true (yes, there are millions and millions who still believe what the western media still say. Sadly. But then no one claims that being born with grey matter inside one's skull automatically translates to having a functioning brain did they...)
If oner thing should be widely seen on the nasty, sad and awful years of war in Syria, it is this video:
In closing I wonder if the Idlib battle is the US Neocon's last great effort to save their neoliberal dollar from eventually going belly-up thereby buggle-ing the Last Post to the end to their global hegemony?
I sincerely hope so. The world could do with peace for a change.
According to the Russians a a British military contractor, Olive Group, has been training Jihadists in Idlib to perpetrate a chemical/gas attack, with the White Helmets standing ready to publicise it to the Anglo-American-French camp waiting to pounce. People can read about Olive Group HERE. This entity almost certainly is a SIS/MI6 critter, which may be why the redoubtable Alastair Crooke in his recent article on the coming events at Idlib avoids mentioning their name. Crook used to be a senior officer of MI6. Crooke's article is HERE. It is a worrying analysis of what could be.
Elsewhere the Middle Eastern expert, Elijah Magnier has penned his recent piece on the same subject HERE. Former British Ambassador to Syria, Peter Ford has also let loose on the madness being prepared to be unleashed, In his article he likens this last (hopefully) major battle in Syria to be akin to the Suez crisis of 1956 - which saw the end of the British Empire, followed shortly after, by the British Pound Sterling relinquishing its reserve currency status (circa 1960's), primarily because of the crippling debts it had incurred fighting WWII - that we now know (thanks to, for example, Guido Preparata), Britain had been craftily engineering since WWI (which the Brits also engineered in it's divide & conquer strategy for the Continent). Ford's piece is HERE.
In rounding off, for the time being, the writers/bloggers I tend to favour, is former Green Beret Colonel and later CIA guy, Pat Lang HERE. It is worth taking the time to read the comments section of Lang's blog, as there are some very informed people posting there - including our very own Lauren Johnson.
Not least, Caitlin Johnstone, "rogue journalist" and an admirably feisty one at that, has shredded Nikki Haley's recent pronouncements in the UN on the planned false flag event. No one deserves shredding than Nikki Haley in my opinion. I wouldn't let my grandkids near her in daylight let alone on a dark night. On the other hand if one had an ample supply of wooden stakes and garlic, others may well wish to meet her on a dark night. Not I though. Caitlin Johnstone's article is well worth reading and her many links worth checking out too. The one she has for a declassified CIA report from 1986 in which the CIA are blame-storming on ways to cause an uprising in Syria (HERE).
She also links to one of my favourite Youtube clips (below) that I regularly show people who argue that the Western narrative on Assad and Syria is true (yes, there are millions and millions who still believe what the western media still say. Sadly. But then no one claims that being born with grey matter inside one's skull automatically translates to having a functioning brain did they...)
If oner thing should be widely seen on the nasty, sad and awful years of war in Syria, it is this video:
In closing I wonder if the Idlib battle is the US Neocon's last great effort to save their neoliberal dollar from eventually going belly-up thereby buggle-ing the Last Post to the end to their global hegemony?
I sincerely hope so. The world could do with peace for a change.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14