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The Skripal Poisoning - A Very Deep British Affair
This is the first I have heard about Germany going miltaristic in Syria. It would not be surprising to see Germany rear its ugly head again in Europe (God RIP my German ancestors).

Since the EEU was conceived in August, 1944 at the Strasbourg Meeting to be a replacement for the Third Reich (i.e. the Fourth Reich), if the EEU starts to run aground and hit the shoals, then certain things will follow.

There is a thousand-year history of Germans wanting to invade lands in the East (i.e. Russia) in order to gain Lebensraum (living space), not to mention Russian and Ukrainian resources. This dates back at least to the Teutonic Knights and the Siege of Konigsberg in 1262.

After World War II, the Germans forsook military conquest in favor of financial conquest. Through the EEU, they have sucked all the economic blood out of Greece, Italy, Spain and other of the less powerful countries.

But the fundamental power equation that has been in place in Europe since 1919 is this: the power is at the East and West margins of Europe. To the East, there is the vast and powerful Russian Empire which has bested Europe militarily time after time from the era of Napoleon to that of Hitler.

To the West, you have the Anglo-Saxon powers. Just the UK and Canada and Australia together defeated Germany in World War II, after most of the UK, French, German and Russian troops all reached the stage of mutiny. And that was before the entry of the US, which put the icing on the cake of the defeat of Germany.

Lenin famously said "he who controls Berlin controls Europe: and he who controls Europe controls the world." Although the EEU has 500 million people and most of the world GDP, it is still divided amongst dozens of ethnicities and lacks the central government that each of Russia, the US, the UK and the British Commonwealth have.

But Germany has a very, very bad record of starting wars in order to artificially create political unity within Germany. And also, they wanted to offset the severe religious and regional disunity that has always existed in Germany throughout recorded history.

Bismarck started the Danish War in 1864, the Austrian War in 1868 and the Franco-Prussian War in 1870. Kaiser Bill started World War I in 1914 to foster German unity and boost the reactionary Junkers. We know the Hitler story in 1939. Same script.

So with a declining EEU, German militarism could reoccur. The current "Russiagate" scandal is all too obviously a standoff between the Pro-Russia faction in Washington against the Pro-German faction in Washington. It seems like Trump likes Putin much better than Angela Merkel. While the US has declined in manufacturing jobs from 27% down to 17% in two decades, Germany remains at 29% of people working in manufacturing. And German workers are building pricy stuff like BMW's.

Trump is one of the few (but influential) people who apparently know what Germany, China, South Korea and Japan have done to our economy. They have not been helpful (IMHO).

A resurgent German militarism could arise as a sort of cancer in Europe if Germany tried to follow the old playbook of Bismarck, Kaiser Bill and Hitler. Fortunately, there are dozens of "buffer states" surrounding Germany like Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland, the Baltics, Ukraine, etc. etc. So the Armageddon scenario featuring a Russia armed to the teeth with nukes against the old German General Staff would not occur for many years.

But even without a direct German-Russian military confrontation, you could see Germany try to weasel and nibble at the edge of Russian resources (like ports, oil, natural gas, grain etc.).

Hopefully, the Western Anglo-Saxon powers to the West and the gigantic Russian Bear to the East will continue to work together as they have done since 1919 and prevent even worse catastrophes from happening (as if there could be something worse than WWII).

James Lateer

Messages In This Thread
The Skripal Poisoning - A Very Deep British Affair - by James Lateer - 11-09-2018, 08:59 PM

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