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Brexit: A Deep Event?
James Lateer Wrote:The UK speaks for the English-speaking world. This is the US, the UK, Canada, New Zealand and Australia.

If the UK buckles under to the EU, then that means that the English-speaking world is living under a World Government dominated by Germany.

There is just no way around this. If you liked the idea of Nazi Germany then you'll love this victory for the German-dominated World Government.

It's here in full force and there's not way to stop it despite the rebelliousness showing up in France and Italy. It's to no avail.

Most of us who are over 50 yrs old will live the rest of our lives and die under this Fourth Reich-inspired World Government. Love it or leave it. And you can't leave it.


James Lateer

I assume you know the history of the EU, James.

Do you know this book?

The Nazi Roots of the Brussels EU?

One of the authors was a Jew who amazingly managed to escape from one of the Nazi death camps (Auschwitz, as I recall) and lived to tell the tale. The books identifies the Nazi state as being a front for I G Farben and argue that the EU is the post war beast of the Farben castles broken-up constituent parts (Bayer, BASF, Hoechst etc). The other authors are members of a health foundation.

Back in 2003 Harvard University decided to publish the entire Nuremberg Tribunal archive on the trial of I G Farben (HERE). But the publication project came to a shuddering halt. THIS webpage shows the state of that project today, 15 years later.

However, the same people who published the foregoing linked book (The Dr. Rath Health Foundation) obtained all the files - undoubtedly from someone who was involved in the Harvard project who had become disillusioned at the censorship and published the entire archive HERE.

The EU is deeply undemocratic and dictatorial in nature. All the Commissioners are appointed. None of them are voted into power. They are not accountable - except, perhaps, to the shady corporations who stand cloaked behind the Brussels bureaucracy.

The following quote is from an article I wrote in 2002 and remains as relevant today - perhaps more so.

Quote:Behind Bormann's programme of repatriating Nazi assets was the idea, developed in 1943, of using them in a confederated post war Europe under Germany's covert control in what was even then called a "European Economic Community" or EEC. [14] Even though this pre-dated the actual foundation of the EEC in March 1957, it was not a new idea.
Half a century earlier in 1899, W T Stead, a close confidant of Cecil Rhodes, had authored a book titled "The United States of Europe" along with "The Americanisation of the World." [15] "

Martin Bormann was a creature of Hermann Schmitz, Chairman and CEO of I G Farben and was the person who organized the historic Maison Rouge Hotel, Strasburg meeting on 10th August 1944 where all Nazi assets, blueprints, foreign investments and the plunder that Nazi's had accrued from all of Europe were to be subject to a capital flight programme to offshore them in various domiciles to be controlled by Bormann in exile in Buenos Aires -- which forms the base of Paul Manning's excellent book Martin Bormann: Nazi in Exile (freely available HERE).

Manning was the first person to make the so called "Red House" (Maison Rouge) report public in his book. He wrote this about Hermann Schmitz:

It is a good bet that if Hermann Schmitz were alive today he would bear witness as to who really won. Schmitz died contented, having witnessed the resurgence of I.G. Farben, albeit in altered corporate f orms, a money machine that continues to generate profits for all the old I.G. shareholders and enormous international power f or the German cadre directing the workings of the successor firms.

page 279


Schmitz's wealthlargely I.G. Farben bearer bonds converted to the Big Three successor firms, shares in Standard Oil of New Jersey (equal to those held by the Rockef ellers), General Mo- tors, and other U.S. blue chip industrial stocks, and the 700 secret companies controlled in his time by I.G., as well as shares in the 750 corporations he helped Bormann establish during the last year of World War IIhas increased in all segments of the modern industrial world. The Bormann organization in, South America utilizes the voting power of the Schmitz trust along with their own assets to guide the multinationals they control, as they keep steady the economic course of the Father- land.

Page 280


But it is just as true that the river of wealth back into West Germany from assets sequestered by Martin Bormann and the corporations that participated in his brilliantly conceived pro- gram of flight capital was a major factor in the recovery of the nationand the best-kept secret in all German history. The return of capital began slowly. As f actories were rebuilt and revved up for production, money from Swiss banks representing their secret accounts flowed into the Rhineland. It was termed investment money, and the first corporations to enjoy its impact were those with demand products: automobiles, steel, and chemicals. Ferdinand Porsche, who designed the famed "Tiger" tank, redesigned Hitler's "people's car," the Volkswagen, and a new factory was erected to turn it out. Daimler-Benz shortly had its Mercedes cars and trucks rolling f rom the assembly lines, and as the giant industrial complexes geared once again for full production and business, the smokestacks of Essen told a story of f ull employment and the eagerness of workers and managerial staf f s to get on with the job of climbing up f rom zero to total output. The Swiss bankers themselves, watching the funds they were directed to invest in these German indus- tries, also invested their own funds and those of their German, British, French, Belgian, Swiss, and American clients. One American occupation officer was advised by his Swiss banker to invest his modest army salary in West German automotive firms. "I gave him carte blanche with my account," said the of f icer, "and months later on a visit to Zurich I discovered my f ew thousand dollars had escalated to $250,000, and was still ap- preciating." Regrettably, a problem soon arose: f ollowing his discharge from the army and his return to the United States he couldn't declare his secret account, because he had consistently failed to include it on his U.S. tax returns. A pillar of his com- munity, he had to go abroad to spend these gains.

Money continued to trickle into West German f irms f rom the private investment sector during the late f orties, but not until May 5, 1955, when the Federal Republic of Germany be- came a sovereign government and the Allied occupation forces had lef t, did the enormous sums shif ted f rom the Third Reich away from threatened Allied seizure become available to those groups in West Germany that had participated in Martin Bor- mann's program of flight capital.

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And finally:

By 1956 the three major multinationals (Hoechst, BASF, and Bayer) reshaped from the 159 companies within Germany that had comprised I.G. Farben were generating record prof its f or the original 450 major Farben stockholders, who had organized themselves into the I.G. Farben Stockholders Protective Com- mittee in Bonn. The Big Three went on expanding, tripling capitalization in 1956 f rom investment f unds that poured in

f rom the interlocking companies established in saf e haven countries by Martin Bormann and Hermann Schmitz. There was a return, more vigorous than ever, of the huge, monolithic industrial multinationals that dominated the German economy before and during World War II.

Each of these three spinof f s f rom I.G. Farben today does more business individually than did Farben at its zenith, when its corporate structure covered 93 countries. BASF and Bayer individually boast worldwide sales of nearly $10 billion annually, while Hoechst, now the world's largest chemical company, generated $16.01 billion in worldwide sales in 1980. Each does more business than E.I. du Pont de Nemours, with sales of $9.4 billion. The United States is, of course, the major market, one into which these German corporations continue to pour investment money f or both new capital construction and cor- porate takeovers. BASF and Hoechst have each invested in excess of $1 billion in such expansions, and chief executive Herbert Grunewald of Bayer A.G. has said that they plan a $1 billion expansion in the United States within f ive to ten years. In Europe, Bayer A.G. is parent of some 380 subsidiary operations. In the United States, it controls Mobay Chemical, whose annual sales in 1978 of $779.5 million make it the Bayer group's most f ormidable f oreign subsidiary. Miles Laboratories (maker of Alka-Seltzer), Chemagro, Rhinechem, Cutter Labora- tories, and Harmon Colors are additional Bayer A.G. interests in this country that Grunewald says he plans to double as part of his American expansion program.

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In closing, Hermann Schmitz lways wished to "form a world fascist state without war if possible." After WWII that dream became true with Bilderberg and the then EEC.

The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14

Messages In This Thread
Brexit: A Deep Event? - by David Guyatt - 05-04-2017, 12:24 PM
Brexit: A Deep Event? - by James Lateer - 19-11-2018, 10:22 PM
Brexit: A Deep Event? - by David Guyatt - 20-11-2018, 01:46 PM
Brexit: A Deep Event? - by Peter Lemkin - 20-11-2018, 03:40 PM
Brexit: A Deep Event? - by James Lateer - 20-11-2018, 06:47 PM
Brexit: A Deep Event? - by David Guyatt - 21-11-2018, 10:04 AM
Brexit: A Deep Event? - by David Guyatt - 21-11-2018, 11:14 AM
Brexit: A Deep Event? - by James Lateer - 10-12-2018, 06:31 PM
Brexit: A Deep Event? - by James Lateer - 10-12-2018, 10:02 PM
Brexit: A Deep Event? - by David Guyatt - 17-12-2018, 01:44 PM
Brexit: A Deep Event? - by James Lateer - 18-12-2018, 02:59 AM
Brexit: A Deep Event? - by David Guyatt - 20-12-2018, 05:03 PM
Brexit: A Deep Event? - by James Lateer - 20-12-2018, 08:30 PM
Brexit: A Deep Event? - by Peter Lemkin - 21-12-2018, 08:53 AM
Brexit: A Deep Event? - by David Guyatt - 21-12-2018, 09:44 AM
Brexit: A Deep Event? - by David Guyatt - 21-12-2018, 12:46 PM
Brexit: A Deep Event? - by David Guyatt - 21-12-2018, 12:52 PM
Brexit: A Deep Event? - by Lauren Johnson - 10-01-2019, 10:23 PM

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