27-04-2019, 02:51 AM
Mr. Kowalski and others:
Below is a biographical sketch of Bloomfield from the International Yearbook:
BLOOMFIELD, Maj. Louis Mortimer, KSt1T, QO, PhD, DCL,
LLD. Canadian lawyer; specialist in international law. Be
1906. Ethic. McGill Univ. iBA); Univ. of Montreal (LLM cum
laude); admitted to Bar o Province of Quebec 1930; created
QO 1948. Career: Member of Council, Enternati. Law Assn.,
London (Eng.) Hon. (Pros., Canadian Branch); Hon. Pros.,
Can. 5ocy, of mt. Law; Charter Patron, mt. Bar. Assn.
Member: Canadian Bar Assn., Bar of Province of Quebeo.
Vice .Cbmn. and Dir., Credit Suisse (Canada) Ltd.; President
and Director, Heineken's Breweries (Canada) Ltd.; Vice.
Pros., Reddy Memorial Hospital; Life Governor, Jeanne
d'Aro Hospital; Member: Board of Govns., Woizmann
Institute of Science, Rehovoth, Israel; Loyola College
Development Bd.; Pres., Quebec CncL, Order of the Hospital
of St. John of Jerusalem; Vice-Pros., World Wildlife Fund
(Canada); KStT 1965; LLD (St Francis Xavier Univ.);
PhD Hebrew Univ. of Jerusalem; DCL St. Thomas Univ.;
appointed to National Capital Commission Ottawa 1963;
Hon. Consul General of Liberia. Montreal. Pubiication8:
The British Honduras-Guatemala Dispute (Carswell., Toronto
1953); Egypt, Israel and tle Gulf of Aqaba in International
Law (Oarsweli, Toronto 1957); Grundung mid Aufban
kanadisoher Aktiongeselladhaften (Hamburg, 1960); La
Convention do Varsovie dens une optique canadierme
(Montreal, 1961); (co-author Boundary Waters Problems
of Canada and the United States (Carswell, Toronto, I98);
Crimes Against Internationally Protected Persons (Praeger,
N.Y. 1975); etc. Club: St. Denis. Address: 3 Westrnount
Square, Weatmount, Que.; and office 1010 Beaver Rail Hill
(Room 406), Montreal 1, Quo., Canada H2Z LR4.
James Lateer
Below is a biographical sketch of Bloomfield from the International Yearbook:
BLOOMFIELD, Maj. Louis Mortimer, KSt1T, QO, PhD, DCL,
LLD. Canadian lawyer; specialist in international law. Be
1906. Ethic. McGill Univ. iBA); Univ. of Montreal (LLM cum
laude); admitted to Bar o Province of Quebec 1930; created
QO 1948. Career: Member of Council, Enternati. Law Assn.,
London (Eng.) Hon. (Pros., Canadian Branch); Hon. Pros.,
Can. 5ocy, of mt. Law; Charter Patron, mt. Bar. Assn.
Member: Canadian Bar Assn., Bar of Province of Quebeo.
Vice .Cbmn. and Dir., Credit Suisse (Canada) Ltd.; President
and Director, Heineken's Breweries (Canada) Ltd.; Vice.
Pros., Reddy Memorial Hospital; Life Governor, Jeanne
d'Aro Hospital; Member: Board of Govns., Woizmann
Institute of Science, Rehovoth, Israel; Loyola College
Development Bd.; Pres., Quebec CncL, Order of the Hospital
of St. John of Jerusalem; Vice-Pros., World Wildlife Fund
(Canada); KStT 1965; LLD (St Francis Xavier Univ.);
PhD Hebrew Univ. of Jerusalem; DCL St. Thomas Univ.;
appointed to National Capital Commission Ottawa 1963;
Hon. Consul General of Liberia. Montreal. Pubiication8:
The British Honduras-Guatemala Dispute (Carswell., Toronto
1953); Egypt, Israel and tle Gulf of Aqaba in International
Law (Oarsweli, Toronto 1957); Grundung mid Aufban
kanadisoher Aktiongeselladhaften (Hamburg, 1960); La
Convention do Varsovie dens une optique canadierme
(Montreal, 1961); (co-author Boundary Waters Problems
of Canada and the United States (Carswell, Toronto, I98);
Crimes Against Internationally Protected Persons (Praeger,
N.Y. 1975); etc. Club: St. Denis. Address: 3 Westrnount
Square, Weatmount, Que.; and office 1010 Beaver Rail Hill
(Room 406), Montreal 1, Quo., Canada H2Z LR4.
James Lateer