24-10-2009, 09:08 PM
Keith Millea Wrote:It was a nice surprise to see this on the net this morning.Leonard is the Brother of my ex wifes first husband.Great guy.......
Mother Country
after Rimma KazakovaJust before dawn a woman goes to her shadow,
bent on learning what she doesn’t know.
Terrific opening lines, while the simile that follows..."The rain sets runlets glowing, the sun drones like bees in summer"...reminds me of a wonderful poem which appeared in the New Statesman sometime in the mid-1980s. I forget the title and author, and have long since mislaid the edition in question, but the line "...the days tick like a metal in the stillness" has stayed with me ever since.
Noel Coward famously commented on the potency of "cheap music": Good poetry is even more powerful.