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The Wheaton Lead: An Exploration by Larry Hancock and David Boylan
Appendix B: Artime and AMWORLD
The plans to put Artime into Cuba in February/March of 1961 - to encourage on-island resistance activities and possibly to help generate a general uprising after the assassination of Fidel Castro which never came to pass. Instead he rejoined the expeditionary force and Brigade 2506 in Guatemala and became the senior exile political leader to actually go into the fight with the Cuban brigade. Along with many of them, he was captured and spend 20 months in a Cuban prison during 1961/62.
In late 1962 Artime was released from Cuban captivity along with the remaining prisoners from Brigade 2506 and he initiated a new contact with the CIA through JMWAVE operations chief David Morales - as well as direct personal contacts with Robert Kennedy. David Morales had been Artime's case officer in Cuba during Morales' assignment there. Morales (alias Dr. Gonzalez) had posed as a priest in contacts with Artime, then in hiding for his opposition to Castro. Morales had assisted in Artime's exfiltration.
In January, 1963 William Harvey, acting head of Task Force W (which was still supporting the second-generation anti-Castro Mongoose project) recommended Artime for use by the CIA, initially for propaganda purposes. Artime also continued to meet directly with RFK from February-April, 1963. There were May meetings between Theodore Shackley, head of JMWAVE (pseudonym Andrew K. Reuteman), David Morales (pseudonym Stanley R. Zamka), Henry Hecksher (pseudonym Nelson L. Raynock) and Artime (crypt AMBIDDY-1; alias Ignacio).
While we know a good deal about the logistics, funding and even the purchasing activities of Artime's new project, we have very limited details on the activities of his personnel, especially during the fall of 1963. Given that the role of the CIA officers assigned to AMWORLD was vastly different from previous CIA covert operations, this is understandable. Hecksher, Jenkins and the small logistics staff functioned as advisors and coordinators rather than directly in either personal activities or actual military operations. Their role was to support financing, shipping and the purchasing activities that required supporting what was to appear as a totally independent and autonomous military initiative against Castro. A variety of commercial and civilian covers were required, not just for personnel but for major buys of deniable weapons from commercial arms dealers. Ships and barges of various types had to be bought or leased, transit papers arranged, and most importantly off-shore bank accounts established. And in addition to offshore accounts, deniable shell accounts were established inside the United States.
Those accounts were run by Sixto Mesa, a close personal friend of Artime's from the days of anti-Castro activities in Cuba. It appears that multiple "working accounts" (including accounts at the First National Bank of Miami) were established inside the U.S., each constantly funded at the level of $25,000. Those accounts were used for domestic travel and lodging, recruiting, maintaining communications channels such as letter drops and generally funding activities including the purchase of materials available in the United States. Over the period of its life, the overall AMWORLD project as a whole was provided with some $7,000,000.
It also seems important to note that Artime's official cover story for the AMWORLD operation - vital to distance it from the CIA, the United States and the Kennedy administration - was that it was a totally independent movement, funded by President Somoza of Nicaragua and with European donors. Artime is quoted telling potential recruits at Fort Benning that the U.S. government was not going to do anything more against Cuba, they had become an obstacle and he intended to obtain bases and support totally outside the U.S. The people Artime was recruiting were essentially being told the public story that the exiles had been abandoned in their fight against the Castro regime.
Initial organizational moves in the new project began in June 1963 and by July/August the first funding and recruiting for AMWORLD was in progress. By the end of June, matters had proceeded to the point where Artime's close friend Frank Fiorini (Sturgis) was dispatched to Dallas by Artime to investigate a source for transport aircraft to be used in project operations. While most of Artime's military operations were intended to be seaborne raids, transport aircraft would be required, and records show that at least one C-47 transport was obtained for AMWORLD use. Major covert financial funding for AMWORLD began in July, 1963.
8/1/78 HSCA Document by L. Wizelman. AMBIDDY-1 (Artime) contacts were David Morales, Howard Hunt and Gerry Droller.
AMWORLD did not actually become operational until early in 1964. The first ship to be used in its maritime operations was the Joanne, which spent some months fitting out in Baltimore and only at the end of November was ready to sail. A special, unidentified combat team (designated "Black Nine") was secretly placed in prepared storage areas in the ship's hold - supplied with communications equipment, generators, weapons (including silenced weapons), ammunition and other combat equipment. This was the first "black exfiltration" of an Artime combat team and it did not actually depart Baltimore until December 10, 1963.
11/27/63 CIA Telecom AMWORLD Imperative Exfiltries remain quiet on Joanne.
12/2/63 CIA Telecom AMWORLD. Next exfiltration 12/22/63. Will contain Welrod silenced pistols.
On the evening of November 22, 1963, (as of 8:30 pm) - when the entire nation was focused on the assassination of President Kennedy - documents show that David Morales was responding to a priority message from the CIA Director related to a month's earlier message in regard to specifications for a boat which JMWAVE might be interested in purchasing. Morales' reply indicated he had not been interested at the time, could not find the specifications related to the boat and referred the Director back to the original sender of the message.
11/22/63 20:30 CIA Telecom requesting info on boat. Specs were given to Zamka (David Morales).
It would be some months into 1964 before any actual AMWORLD operations bases at Monkey Point, Nicaragua and at Puerto Cabezas in Costa Rica were prepared and available to begin maritime operations. The first actual mission took place in May, 1964 - largely destroying a Cuban sugar mill in Oriente Province. Overall, the AMWORLD project proved to be an extremely costly effort, funded at $225,000 each month. Much research has been done into its activities during 1964/65 by Gary Murr, and readers of Shadow Warfare (Larry Hancock) will find Murr's work and other details of the project in Chapter 12, "Autonomous and Deniable".
Most recently, documents have revealed that two additional CIA officers were assigned to the project in its early months of actual operation. Manny Chavez, pseudonym Russell Sambora and alias Manuel Gomez (Major Gomez) aka "the Mexican" was assigned from JMWAVE to support the AMWORLD effort on October 29, 1963. Chavez had been at JMWAVE with Morales on the Cuba project since 1960. He and Morales had previously served in Venezuela together before assignment to the JMATE project. Chavez had trained as a pilot and flew during World War II.
During the Korean conflict Chavez was called back to active duty and received training at the U.S. Army Counterintelligence School. He subsequently served as an air attache in 10 countries: Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Peru, Bolivia, Venezuela, the Dominican Republic and Haiti. He served as military attache to the Guatemalan government during the Arbenz regime and was apparently involved in the ouster of Arbenz in a coup orchestrated by CIA officers including David Morales and Rip Robertson. Later he was detailed to the CIA. He officially left the Air Force as a Lt. Colonel.
U.S Military Attaches in Guatemala, Cuba and Bolivia 1950-64.
5/25/13 FIU News 94-year old alumnus on life, love and being a Cold War Spy.
Chavez and David Morales sharing desk at JMWAVE.
In later years, Chavez talked of his service as an intelligence officer attached to the American Embassy in Venezuela during 1957-1959, serving with David Morales during Morales's CIA assignment to Venezuela. The two men worked in Miami from 1960-1964, actually sharing desks for some four months in 1961 before JMWAVE moved into a larger facility. Apparently due to his liaison work in logistics for covert CIA activities, Chavez and General Ed Lansdale were close. Chavez later found out that Lansdale was his "godfather" in the Pentagon.
Mel Ayton: Did the CIA Kill Bobby Kennedy?
Chavez traveled to help organize activities in the early days of the AMWORLD project, including travel to Mexico City, arriving there on or around November 25. He was to meet David Phillips in Mexico City on December 9, 1963, however he was also scheduled to meet with Mexican Air Force officers.
11/20/63 CIA Telecom Sambora ETA Mexi O/A 25 Nov.
We also know that one of Chavez's duties in support of AMWORLD involved assistance in coordinating the transfer of weapons purchased in Europe from Interarmco.
CIA File Manuel Artime Vol XI "The Mexican" to meet Artime.
CIA File Manuel Artime Vol XI "The Mexican" i.e. Sambora.
2/10/61 CIA Contact Report Hunt, Artime and Napoli.
Chavez/Sambora was also expected to report back to CIA on the security, effectiveness and leadership involved in AMWORLD operations. His reports show a definite lack of satisfaction as time passed with the project. Apparently that opinion was shared by David Morales of JMWAVE who also continued to meet with Artime and deal with his personnel issues under the pseudonym Dr. Gonzales into 1964.
12/3/63 CIA Memo Sambora Emergency contact Managua.
1/4/64 CIA Memo AMWORLD Artime has not received word from Mexican (Gomez).
Ultimately Chavez became highly critical of the AMWORLD operation, of Artime, and of the total lack of operational security which was essentially defeating all its on-island military efforts.
6/16/64 CIA Memo from Henry Hecksher. Case in point brought up by Sambora.
6/19/64 CIA Memo AMWORLD deficiencies.
6/16/64 CIA Memo. Sambora at CIA Headquarters.
In addition to Colonel Chavez, another experienced CIA officer was also assigned to the AMWORLD project. Colonel Napoleon Valeriano (pseudnym Vallejo) had a long history with the CIA including paramilitary activities and more importantly, covert actions supporting psychological warfare. He had served as one of Edward Lansdale's action officers in the Philippines, conducted Cuba project training under Carl Jenkins in Panama and Guatemala and at the end of 1963 was assigned as a propaganda and psychological warfare officer in support of the AMWORLD project.
We have a documented record of what Valeriano (referred as "the Filipino" in AMWORLD reports) did in regard to training for the Cuban Expeditionary Force prior to the landings in Cuba, however we know virtually nothing about his actual work for AMWORLD in 1964.
12/23/62 Interview with former BOP Prisoner. Col Vallejo.
12/23/62 Interview with former BOP Prisoner . Describes teams.
In the Philippines Valeriano had supported the CIA's dirty tricks operation and Valeriano himself is quoted as stating that "These ranged from 'one-shotters' designed to destroy the credibility of a notorious opponent . . . to sustained operations designed to create distrust or enmity between the Huk and the mass base." Some later became standard practices in the repertoire of American counterinsurgency. Bohannan and Valeriano describe many of them in some detail, including the dissemination of cartridges "loaded with dynamite," designed to blow up the weapon and the person holding it when fired."
Instruments of Statecraft: U.S. Guerilla Warfare, Counterinsurgency, and Counterterrorism, 1940-1990
We do know from Quintero's initial proposals and his ongoing involvement with planning that the AMWORLD project was to include both assassinations and a combination of terror attacks on the Castro regime infrastructure. Given Valeriano's experience in the Philippines and his expertise in such activities, it seems likely that if the Artime project had fully developed we would have seen similar tactics inside Cuba. Tactics which would have been both deniable and extremely "dirty".
8/6/18 Philppine-Cuban Relations Colonel Napoleon Valeriano.
Dave Morales resented Lansdale for inserting Valeriano as lead guerilla instructor.

Appendix C: Coming together in Louisiana
The FBI summary report on the LaCombe/Cuba bombing plan states that Carlos Hernandez Sanchez, Acelo Pedroso and two others (possibly including Soto) went to New Orleans together. They met Victor Espinosa Hernandez there and he led them to where the dynamite and bomb casings were stored. The bomb casings were for training/practice bombs, designed to hold sand as filler.
Pedroso did tell the FBI he had seen two planes, which he believed to be B-26's not B-25's. The FBI report states it failed to locate any such aircraft. Their report also notes that the trailer on the McClaney property did indeed contain the equipment needed to make live bombs. July 19 FBI research/searches suggested the only location fitting Pedroso's description of an air field which might have been used for the B-26's was a municipal airport at Houma, La.
That location and other airfields were checked for aircraft with no success. On July 20 Acelo Pedroso also told the FBI that he had been told the bombing effort was a DRE project. In further conversation he stated the aircraft were not based near New Orleans but were located further away, perhaps in Houston. He had been told they would be flown in and loaded for the attack only when the bombs were ready. The planes would not remain on the Louisiana airfield for more than four or five hours before departing on the mission. (Note: Pedroso had a CIA POA and was sent to the Congo in 1964. He was a trusted and vetted weapons specialist, working with B-26's during the CIA Mikasi air operations there.)
8/14/63 FBI Report on Acelo Pedroso and the Lake Pontchartrain raid.
Soto later told one of the Fort Benning trainees being recruited for AMWORLD that the dynamite found at LaCombe was unsuitable for the bomb casings. That source also said that Soto had been a pilot in the Cuban Air Force and had entered a U.S. Air Force training program, becoming a 2nd Lt. The Air Force did train a number of Cuban exile volunteers at Sheppard Air Force Base in Texas. Soto ultimately resigned to join operational activities against Cuba.
The FBI phone record search suggested that Miguel Alvarez Jimenz was coordinating purchases and logistics for the LaCombe/Cuba plan - working for Sam Benton and Mike McClaney. Alvarez had previously been associated with Batistianos Col. Orlando Piedra and Col. Angel Sanchez.
Time line of the LaCombe / Cuba bombing project:
June 20 - 24 practice bombs shipped to Miami.
July 7? - U-Haul rented in Chicago by Victor Espinosa Hernandez driving a Chevy station wagon with Florida license 7E868 63, registered to Mears Livery Corp.
July 11 - Victor Espinosa Hernandez, residence listed as New York, rented Avis car in St Louis at the airport branch, 63 Chevy station wagon has Florida license 7E868 Car to be checked back in to Avis in New Orleans.
July 13 - Carlos Hernandez takes sick leave from his employer.
July 13 - Rental car taken out, green Chevy station wagon; car rented by John Koch Gene for Carlos Hernandez Sanchez (Batea).
July 14 - Rental car with Carlos, Soto and Acelo Pedroso leaves for New Orleans; Soto wants bombs to be examined as he plans to fly one of the aircraft. They meet Victor Espinosa Hernandez upon arrival and he leads them to the U-Haul.
Upon examining the material in the trailer Acelo advised Carlos and Soto the material in the trailer was totally unsuitable for an actual live bombing mission.
July 17 - Rental car from St Louis turned in at New Orleans with 1,138 rental miles.
July 17 - Acelo Pedrosa returns to Miami from airfield in Louisiana.
July 18 - MM-T1 report to FBI with his info.
July 19 - FBI researches and unsuccessfully searches airfields near Houma for B-25 (four engine) aircraft based on initial Miami informant report.
July 19 - Customs officer observes Victor and Carlos Hernandez with others in Miami in green rental station wagon.
July 19 - FBI conducts first interview with Acelo.
July 20 - FBI searches for air strips in general area described by Acelo but still has not located McClaney farm or trailer.
July 20 - Rental car returned July 20.
July 21 - Carlos Hernandez returns from sick leave on 21 or 22, unclear.
July 24 - FBI still searching unsuccessfully for location described by Acelo.
July 26 - FBI locates LaCombe house with U Haul behind it.
July 29 - T-1 confidential source associates house with Mike McClaney; FBI surveillance begins.
July 30 - McClaney identified and profiled in New Orleans; Acelo confirms house identification.
July 30 - Warrant issued.
July 31 - U Haul seized, 24 cases of "stick" dynamite plus bomb parts and explosives.
.....the FBI report contains no mention of Soto or of the actual arrest of Soto or Miguel Alvarez

Appendix D: Operational Associations
Cuba Project / Panama Training Camp: Under Carl Jenkins (prescreened by the CIA at Useppa Island, off Fort Meyers Florida) - Felix Rodriquez, Segundo Borges Ranzola, Nestor "Tony" Izquierdo, Victor Espinosa Hernandez, Jorge Navarro, John Koch Gene, and Carlos Hernandez
Cuba Project / Pre-Bay of Pigs Maritime Missions: Into Cuba from the Florida Keys - Felix Rodriquez, Segundo Borges, Nestor Tony Izquierdo, John Koch Gene, Jorge Navarro, Jorge Giraud, Luis Sierra, Michael Alvarez
Cuba Project / Artime's commando team: Requested for operations before and during the Bay of Pigs landings but unavailable due to ongoing maritime operations into Cuba: Carlos Hernandez, Victor Hernandez and John Koch Gene (AMHINT-26) as well as Frank Bernardino, Antonio Soto and Gonzolo Herrera
Post-Bay of Pigs Maritime missions: Into Cuba from the Florida Keys - Victor Espinosa Hernandez, Nestor Izquierdo, Carlos Hernandez, John Koch Gene, Jorge Navarro, Antonio Soto
AMWORLD: Felix Rodriquez, Segundo Borges, Nestor Izquierdo, Jorge Navarro, John Koch Gene, Jorge Giraud, Ricardo Chavez, Carlos Hernandez, Luis Sierra, and Ramon Orozco

[ i ] Larry Hancock, Someone Would Have Talked, Appendix I, "Echoes from Dallas"
[ ii ] Bob Woodward, "IBEX Deadly Symbol of U.S. Arms Sales Problems", Washington Post, January 2, 1977, also Seymour Hersh, "Iran signs Rockwell Deal for Persian Gulf Spy Base", Seymour Hersh, June 1, 1975, also:
[ iii ] Based on information from the ARRB records, researcher Stuart Wexler eventually did locate and communicate with the staff member who had contacted Wheaton. She had no recollection of Wheaton, a telephone contact or a personal meeting or of any materials he had provided to the Board.
[ iv ] Some of Wheaton's remarks relate to the CIA Castro assassination efforts during the Cuba Project and possibly even during AMWORLD, others relate to the Kennedy assassination. All the remarks are shown to be consistent and corroborated by the research detailed in this paper.
[ v ] Larry Hancock, In Denial / Secret Wars with Air Strikes and Tanks, Chapter 7, "Hidden Measures"
[ vi ] Larry Hancock, Shadow Warfare / The History of America's Undeclared Wars, Chapter 18 "Pushing Back", Chapter 19 "The Outsiders", Chapter 21 "It Happens"
[ vii ] Quintero himself consistently confirmed his close personal friendship with Gene Wheaton, never expressing any animosity towards him.
[ viii ] Ricardo Chavez appears to have been brought into Tom Clines' various questionable activities after Clines left the CIA; Clines was not at all hesitant to contact and attempt to use Cuban exiles who had worked in JMWAVE activities. He successfully used Felix Rodriquez in at least two instances, failed to bring Rafael Quintero into an assassinations project (Carl Jenkins advised Quintero to pass) and apparently used Ricardo Chavez as a local representative in Miami for various banking transactions and in Clines' front company (API Distributors) used in a variety of questionable international sales and money laundering activities. There is no evidence that Chavez was involved in the types of Contra field logistics and transportation activities conducted by Felix Rodriquez and Luis Posada. Chavez had been with Artime's MRR organization in Cuba and was Secretary of Operations. Chavez was initially recruited as part of the AMWORLD project in October 1963 to head the maritime component. He ended commanding a Swift boat called "The Monty." "The Monty" and Chavez were later assigned to the Congo. "The Monty" was named in honor of Manuel "Monty" Guillot (AMBRONC-5). Guillot was a close friend of both Artime and Rafael Quintero.
[ ix ] Emilio Americo Rodriguez (AMIRE-1) had been one of the principal agents of the CIA's stay behind network inside Cuba where he worked closely with Tony Sfoza, Warren Frank, David Morales and James O'Malley. His recruitment and original request for Operational Approval was initiated in May of 1960 by Nelson Raynock whose true name was Henry Hecksher. Hecksher went on to become the point man for the CIA's AMWORLD project. Emilio was exfiltrated in June 1961 along with Tony Sforza and Warren Frank. Emilio reported to David Morales at the JMWAVE station in Miami before moving on to the Foreign Intelligence branch at JMWAVE where he reported to Warren Frank. On November 9, 1967 he was at Dulles International Airport with a scheduled plane trip to Miami. He went to the First Aid station complaining of chest pains. Emilio, originally identified as David Cordova, was then transported to the Fairfax Hospital where we pronounced dead by Dr. Cassidy. Dr. Cassidy, a CIA contract employee, recognized several names in Emilio's address book. It included names and addresses of prominent CIA employees David Phillips, William Broe, Rip Robertson, Dick Helms, Hal Swenson, Jake Esterline, Desmond Fitzgerald, John Hart, John Dimmer, "Matt", probably PM Officer Charles Matt and "Moore", probably Bob Moore.
[ x ] Moore used the pseudonym of Frederick Inghurst at JMWAVE. Moore may have been involved in a plan called Operation AMHINT which was a plot to assassinate a Soviet official with silenced rifles as part of the Bay of Pigs invasion. David Phillips, Jake Esterline, and Ed Stanulus appear to have had knowledge of AMHINT.
[ xi ] During the period of December/January in 1966/1967, John Roselli (a documented participant in the CIA effort to poison Fidel Castro) reached out to a number of high level individuals in Washington DC. This was at a point in time where New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison had taken his secret investigation of the JFK assassination to Miami, in search of mysterious Cuban exiles reportedly in contact with Lee Oswald in New Orleans during the summer of 1963. Roselli used his Washington contacts, including lobbyist Irving Davidson and media figure Jack Anderson, to offer details on a conspiracy which had killed JFK. The attackers were Cuban exiles who had been trained to kill Castro but who had somehow been "turned" on JFK by Castro himself. The story was given to Earl Warren, to the FBI, the Secret Service and in the end to President Johnson himself. Roselli was interviewed by the FBI, however no deep interest was expressed in the details he was purportedly prepared to offer, and the matter was dropped with no real investigation. The response demonstrated that official Washington had no interest in reopening the JFK assassination - however it did alert the FBI and CIA to the Garrison investigation and both agencies began immediate damage control operations to protect information and block Garrison's access to FBI officers and CIA assets.
[ xii] Jorge Sotus was one of the early figures in the revolt against Batista, associated with Carlos Prio and was a founding member of MRR along with Manual Artime. As part of that effort he worked with Robert McKeown out of Houston, Texas and was ultimately charged along with McKeown for neutrality act violations. After the MRR turned against Castro, Sotus was arrested and imprisoned on the Isle of Pines. He managed to escape from Cuba in 1960 and joined the exile volunteers in the CIA's Cuba project. Because of his long association with MRR and Artime, Sotus was selected to be part of the effort to stimulate armed resistance inside Cuba, to be infiltrated to work with the MRR - and to be joined by Artime himself. Sotus was allowed to handpick a small team to infiltrate as part of that effort; the team included especially-trusted Artime supporters such as Carlos Hernandez. Ultimately that mission, and the insertion of Artime, was aborted due to increased Cuban security.
[ xiii ] The AMWORLD infiltration team trained at Camp Guillot on the Orlich ranch located in the Sarapiqui region of Costa Rica. This camp could be reached from the landing at Tortuguero by traveling the Rio Sarapigui to Cornelio Orlich's finca (farm). This team consisted of nine men plus Borges. The team members were: Julio Yanez Pelegrin, Aramis Pinon Estrada, Armando Caballero Parodi (Brigade 2716), Miguel Penton (Brigade 2579) who was with Felix Rodriguez in Cuba before and during Bay of Pigs, Victor Herrera (Brigade 3215), Porfirio Bonet "El Nino" who was later associated with Frank Castro, Marmerto Luzarraga (Brigade 3516) and Humberto "Che". Humberto was most likely Humberto Solis Jurado (Brigade 2510). Trained with Carl Jenkins and "Gordon". Was "Gordon" Gordon Campbell per Ayers?
Additional MRR members were training at the Starke ranch in Costa Rica before political circumstances forced both Borges team and the MRR Cubans to relocate to Nicaragua. The Starke ranch was owned by Ludwig Starke Jimenez, a Costa Rican ultra-right wing political figure. Camp Guillot was named after Manuel Guillot (AMBRONC-5). Guillot aka Octavio Barroso Gomes had gone on many infiltration missions in Cuba and was later arrested and executed by Castro. Clarence Smeryage (true name Tom Clines) was his CIA case officer.
[ xiv ] Larry Hancock, Someone Would Have Talked, Appendix D, "The Way of JMWAVE", 352-359.
[ xv ] Ibid, Appendix I, "Echoes from Dallas", 389-391.
[ xvi ] There remains a possibility that certain of the trainees may have also trained at Camp Stanley in Texas.
[ xvii ] Larry Hancock, Someone Would Have Talked, JFK Lancer Publications, 2010, Appendix E, "Student Warrior", 360-363.
[ xviiii ]
[ xix ]
[ xx ]
[ xxi ] RIF 145-10001-10121 and 145-1001-10122, "Operational Plan Submitted to CIA by Quintero". See these records in he Appendix I section of
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RE: The Wheaton Lead: An Exploration by Larry Hancock and David Boylan - by Peter Lemkin - 03-05-2020, 07:17 AM

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