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How The Education Forum Destroyed Credible JFK Research
If you go to the Education Forum Denis Morissette posted his images of Sarah Stanton from the Owens Film...Robin Unger responded by posting images from Willis showing a woman on the steps near to the same time as Stanton in Owens...I am honestly not sure if the woman in Willis is Stanton or not...I previously scolded Morissette for posting that woman in Willis telling him that it was obviously not Stanton and he was not helping things by posting it...Morissette promptly put me on Facebook block...Now, however, on second look from Unger I am not 100% sure if that woman in Willis is Stanton or not...If you look closely she has Stanton's light-colored hair...If you go to Darnell she matches up exactly with Prayer Man's height as compared to the aluminum window frame behind her...So I might owe him an apology, however the thin-skinned Morissette put me on block so there's no way for me to do it...

The thread on the Education Forum needs me as a participant...Because I have been banned by that ignoramus James Gordon I am unable to go to that board and do what it was designed for...I cannot put the best interpretation on the evidence Morissette and Unger presented...That evidence was posted there exactly so a person like myself could come in and tell the members what that evidence is showing...If indeed the woman in Willis is Stanton then the research community needs to be shown that and how it relates to the rest of the Prayer Man evidence...It is only because of the gross incompetence and stupidity of James Gordon and his backwards moderation that the whole purpose of the conversation Morissette has initiated is disallowed...If indeed the woman in Willis is Stanton then she lines-up with Prayer Man's height...Her light-colored dress also appears dark in the shadows in Darnell...I'm not 100% certain on this because Stanton's obesity is obvious in Owens...Not so much in Willis...

And so, as it stands, the current cutting edge of the Prayer Man issue lay in moronic non-response because the ******** who call themselves the moderators and members of the Education Forum are content with leaving those obvious begging points ignored while the correct intelligent, evidence-based solution goes unspoken...This, according to the intellectual criminal James Gordon, is good moderation that he is happy with and stays on in order to enforce...There is a core group that praises Gordon and his moderation and asks him to stay on...Those people show their rotten loyalty and duty by remaining faithfully absent from Morissette's thread that happens to prove me correct...Just like I was 7 years ago when I was banned - with that core group of cowards also staying silent (The same group that happened to be those who backed Prayer Man as Oswald)...

Certainly Jim DiEugenio, who praised Parker and his trolling "research" a few weeks ago on the EF, is not going to enter Morissette's thread to discuss this new confirming evidence that Prayer Man is Stanton...This is where Jim stays silent the most...It is also where my good evidence gets proven the most...There's a sick qualification on the EF of ignoring my proof that Stanton is Prayer Man...If you ignore it then you are accepted in to the clique...The requirement on the EF is that the normal conversation of intelligent evidence discussion that would happen with any other subject is disallowed and Morissette's very important evidence discovery is left to die of starvation...The dishonest members then ignore this giant rogue elephant in the room and pretend it isn't happening...It gives them power, which is what this is really all about...The research community, as represented on the Education Forum, is not about honest objective research...There's no shame or embarrassment amongst that wayward group...Let's be honest...They are staying silent because they know it proves me correct...

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How The Education Forum Destroyed Credible JFK Research - by Brian Doyle - 31-05-2023, 04:59 PM

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