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How The Education Forum Destroyed Credible JFK Research
Jim DiEugenio is openly promoting Greg Parker and his BS research on the Education Forum...Greg Parker is a research troll who specializes in deeply-researched false revision of the evidence as sort of an evidence iconoclast who tries to rework the Conspiracy evidence in to his crazy solutions...Because Greg's evidence vandalism covers the evidence so extensively it attracts the interest of a large number of internet-based Kennedy Assassination researchers and observers...Greg Parker was the original source for the Prayer Man theory before Murphy and Kamp took it over - just to show a good example of Parker's dangerousness to the credible research community and how his influence caused the research community to waste a decade on a wild goose chase over one of his crazy theories...The research community managed to detect and ban Ralph Cinque...It did not do so with Greg Parker who now enjoys a permanent sector of support in the Kennedy research community that is tolerated by "moderators" like the Utah-based Mormon Sandy Larsen...I have credibly debunked the Prayer Man theory, yet this Parker-supporting majority have managed to corrupt the moderators on the Kennedy internet in to ignoring my evidence and continuing to promote false claims that Prayer is Oswald...They have achieved this by two means...The first being outright censorship through banning that prevents me from posting the correct evidence on the Education Forum...The second is more subtle and depends on the approval of Jim DiEugenio, whom a good percentage of internet researchers take his word on evidence matters...Jim skips all the hard fought evidence detail and simply deals with it by giving overly-broad approval to the dangerous evidence troll and good research-harmer Greg Parker...He does this with the silent consent of the internet research community who seem to accept this blatant corruption...The current JFK research world and progress of the correct Conspiracy evidence is literally hung-up and paralyzed at this point because of this situation...The JFK research community is aware it has ham-strung itself with this but doesn't seem to care as long as the current arrangement indulges their pet theories and leaves the right people in power, right or wrong...As Richard Gilbride said, it is incumbent upon certain mainstream figures in the research community to do the right thing and heel to Peer Review on this and the correct evidence...Right now serious advances in the conspiracy evidence are being ignored in order serve this ridiculous clique and its self-indulgence at the expense of good research, so the effects of this are not insignificant...An extra unspoken rule is being enforced on the Kennedy internet...That rule says - despite all the regular rules posted at the site - that certain members and moderators are allowed to ignore the posted rules at their own will and just go with their friends...And Jim DiEugenio will be the overseer of that invisible set of site rules and not be accountable for ignoring serious new evidence or supporting destructive trolls...And he'll be allowed to ignore answering for that...I have never seen DiEugenio publicly confront the serious rift between his support of Parker and Parker's denial of Armstrong's Harvey & Lee theory...The latter is some of the most important highly sophisticated Conspiracy evidence...You would think in the name of good research that DiEugenio would owe us that and not be allowed to avoid it like he has been...

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How The Education Forum Destroyed Credible JFK Research - by Brian Doyle - 09-06-2023, 01:41 PM

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