31-01-2024, 10:24 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-02-2024, 06:42 AM by Brian Doyle.)
Moderator Sandy Larsen wrote on the Education Forum:
"I believe that Oswald was out on the TSBD steps during the motorcade. It is likely that a few people noticed him being there.[/font][/color]
The government couldn't have these people going around and telling their families, neighbors, and newspapers that they knew Oswald was innocent because he was standing right next to them when the president went by. Something had to be don't to keep them quiet for the rest of their lives. And so the government did something to keep them quiet.
I can only guess what the government did. I believe it is likely that the government appealed to their patriotism. I believe it is likely that somebody who was highly regarded explained to them that if word of Oswald's innocence got out, it would open a can of worms that would implicate Russia in the assassination and that this could lead to WW3.
I have reason to believe that precisely three people on the steps noticed that Oswald was there."
Prayer Man has already been proven to be Sarah Stanton by myself...In 2016 the rogue moderator James Gordon expelled me from the Education Forum for trying to show the correct evidence on Prayer Man...Because of that the 95% of the research community that believed Oswald was Prayer Man used my being censored by Gordon, and denied a fair place amongst my research peers, as an excuse to ignore my evidence...James Gordon told me that I was being banned because I had been told proper evidence procedures but refused to follow them...That was a rather outrageous case of projection seeing how I was the one with the correct evidence...When I confronted Gordon and the Education Forum moderators on how they justified banning the one guy with the correct evidence those moderators never answered the question...They never got to answering it because they always had some excuse as to why I deserved to be banned before they got to answering the basic point of how in God's name does the one guy with the correct solution, who was skilled enough to out-argue the JFK research community, end up getting banned and removed from the research internet by a rogue moderator and his always-agreeing co-moderator? (Don't look at that man behind the curtain)...Destroyed as a researcher for posting the correct evidence while those who ignore the evidence (and are therefore the ones who are really guilty of ignoring correct evidence procedures when shown) are then appointed administrator and chief moderator?...If I was given the chance I have earned by my research and skill and could answer Larsen I would tell him his contrived excuses above are easily disproven by the fact that there are many many cases of Oswald witnessings in the assassination that conform to the precept he illustrates where people talked and provided us the evidence we already have...Larsen fools himself by not being honest about the fact that if there was such a covert hush crew deployed and shutting up strategic witnesses then they would have in the many other cases where Oswald was exposed in equally dangerous situations...Larsen is peddling Greg Parker level material...It is rubbish when Greg says it and it is rubbish when his followers repeat it...The zero rate of witnesses for Oswald being on the front steps is something never seen in other real Oswald witnessings...Meanwhile the real event that was silenced by a hush crew goes unspoken because the Prayer Man people have blocked it from view...The second stop of Oswald in the Lobby by a second cop goes unknown because the Education Forum forces Prayer Man and erases this very important event...Greg Parker stops the case from being solved and these guys ban anyone who points out the correct evidence...
"Shelley, Lovelady, Baker, and Truly all lied. Their statements, the Darnell film, and handwritten interrogation notes prove it. The second-floor Oswald/Baker encounter never occurred. Shelley's and Lovelady's walk over to the railroad yard never occurred.
The WC fabricated the second floor encounter so they could identify where Oswald supposedly was after he supposedly shot Kennedy. (In reality he was outside watching the P. Parade.) Unfortunately, Vickie Adams' testimony debunked the encounter. So the WC recruited Shelley and Lovelady into a lie that would discredit Adams' testimony. I believe that Shelley and Lovelady were chosen to lie for the WC because they had already been talked into lying about seeing Oswald standing next to them on the TSBD steps."
Gilbride and I have proven the Lunch Room Encounter was real...The only reason it is being challenged is because the Prayer Man people knew Oswald being calm and not out of breath in the Lunch Room made Prayer Man impossible...So, as is typical of Greg Parker, the Prayer Man people went after the evidence in order to force their theory to work...If I can speak frankly amongst a group I have associated with for 15 years, it is pretty stupid to not see this...We know the Lunch Room Encounter is real because (as Sandy forgets) Mrs Garner saw Truly & Baker emerge on the 4th Floor in synch with the Encounter...And Bonnie Ray saw Baker's helmet emerge above the boxes on the 5th Floor also in synch with the Encounter...The employees at the 4th Floor windows also saw Bonnie Ray come down to the 4th Floor in synch with Baker's emergence on the 5th Floor...The Prayer Man people have hijacked the Education Forum and they are excluding this correct version (and calling themselves "administrators")...Oswald told of the Encounter and he was being truthful...Adams got out right before Truly & Baker so it is not true that her statements debunked the Encounter...Sandy is just bending the evidence towards Prayer Man while ignoring that which refutes it...
While calling himself an administrator Sandy Larsen is ignoring my discovery of Sarah Stanton hearing Oswald say he was not going down to watch the motorcade but was going back in to the "Break Room" instead...That "Break Room" was the 2nd Floor Lunch Room that Stanton caught Oswald hiding outside of...Carolyn Arnold would see Oswald carry out that promise when she saw Oswald eating lunch alone in the 2nd Floor Lunch Room at 12:25...One of the most important discoveries in JFK Assassination history is being ignored all so the Prayer Man people can indulge their wrong evidence at the full approval of Gordon, while banning its discoverer for life for calling someone a bad name on a well-known informal, unmoderated site (McAdams) where that was OK...Obviously they couldn't find anything I did wrong on the Education Forum if they were that desperate for an excuse...Truly and Baker saw Oswald in the same place 6 minutes later...Oswald was in there the whole time as Oliver Stone correctly depicted...
"I think that Buell Frazier was also one of those who saw Oswald out on the steps. I believe that he was also chosen to lie for the WC because he had already been asked to lie about Oswald watching the P. Parade next to him. So he lied about the bag.
I'm not sure how they got Linnie Mae to lie."
I spoke to Frazier in 2018...I explained that people were saying he saw Oswald right there in the Prayer Man position and covered it up...Frazier got angry and told me "You tell those people that If Oswald was standing right there in front of me on the steps I would have said something"...Frazier was a main witness who was there that day...Sandy Larsen is an Education Forum administrator and Prayer Man believer...
"No, just four people. Not counting the CIA assets, given that they are trained to lie."
There were at least two dozen people who were walking towards the steps in Couch/Darnell who would have seen Oswald right there in front of them...Recently a woman's dress neckline was seen on Prayer Man in a clarified frame from Darnell...That and Davidson ends the issue, but administrator Larsen is allowed to ignore that all those who would press it are banned by the "strict" moderators at the forum...Strict moderators who avoid honestly answering the question of who was right in 2016?...
"Four people.
Why are you surprised that people can remain silent for life? Hundreds of thousands of CIA officers and assets have done it over the decades. You think four more couldn't have as well?"
A better analogy would be all the people who stay silent about my Prayer Man evidence of PM being Stanton on the JFK internet...
"No, I don't. My claims are backed by solid evidence, and even proof in some cases.
And maybe you haven't noticed, but most of my beliefs are widely held by the conspiracy community.
What doesn't make sense is that you can't believe people lied in this massive government coverup. That's a real howler if you ask me!"
Let me back on the Education Forum like I deserve and this Prayer Man giant waste of time will be over and the research community will return to the right track as far as solving the case...There is not one case of evidence Sandy could present that I could not refute with the correct Prayer Man evidence...Time to take the credible JFK internet back from Greg Parker's trolls...Real researchers never quit like Murphy and Parker...Stop straw-manning with easy targets like Cohen, Bojzcuk, Roe, Griffith and other nay-sayers...Take me on Sandy...And don't use the excuses of the censorers to avoid it...
"I believe that Oswald was out on the TSBD steps during the motorcade. It is likely that a few people noticed him being there.[/font][/color]
The government couldn't have these people going around and telling their families, neighbors, and newspapers that they knew Oswald was innocent because he was standing right next to them when the president went by. Something had to be don't to keep them quiet for the rest of their lives. And so the government did something to keep them quiet.
I can only guess what the government did. I believe it is likely that the government appealed to their patriotism. I believe it is likely that somebody who was highly regarded explained to them that if word of Oswald's innocence got out, it would open a can of worms that would implicate Russia in the assassination and that this could lead to WW3.
I have reason to believe that precisely three people on the steps noticed that Oswald was there."
Prayer Man has already been proven to be Sarah Stanton by myself...In 2016 the rogue moderator James Gordon expelled me from the Education Forum for trying to show the correct evidence on Prayer Man...Because of that the 95% of the research community that believed Oswald was Prayer Man used my being censored by Gordon, and denied a fair place amongst my research peers, as an excuse to ignore my evidence...James Gordon told me that I was being banned because I had been told proper evidence procedures but refused to follow them...That was a rather outrageous case of projection seeing how I was the one with the correct evidence...When I confronted Gordon and the Education Forum moderators on how they justified banning the one guy with the correct evidence those moderators never answered the question...They never got to answering it because they always had some excuse as to why I deserved to be banned before they got to answering the basic point of how in God's name does the one guy with the correct solution, who was skilled enough to out-argue the JFK research community, end up getting banned and removed from the research internet by a rogue moderator and his always-agreeing co-moderator? (Don't look at that man behind the curtain)...Destroyed as a researcher for posting the correct evidence while those who ignore the evidence (and are therefore the ones who are really guilty of ignoring correct evidence procedures when shown) are then appointed administrator and chief moderator?...If I was given the chance I have earned by my research and skill and could answer Larsen I would tell him his contrived excuses above are easily disproven by the fact that there are many many cases of Oswald witnessings in the assassination that conform to the precept he illustrates where people talked and provided us the evidence we already have...Larsen fools himself by not being honest about the fact that if there was such a covert hush crew deployed and shutting up strategic witnesses then they would have in the many other cases where Oswald was exposed in equally dangerous situations...Larsen is peddling Greg Parker level material...It is rubbish when Greg says it and it is rubbish when his followers repeat it...The zero rate of witnesses for Oswald being on the front steps is something never seen in other real Oswald witnessings...Meanwhile the real event that was silenced by a hush crew goes unspoken because the Prayer Man people have blocked it from view...The second stop of Oswald in the Lobby by a second cop goes unknown because the Education Forum forces Prayer Man and erases this very important event...Greg Parker stops the case from being solved and these guys ban anyone who points out the correct evidence...
Quote:[size=12] [/url]On 1/29/2024 at 12:40 AM, Greg Doudna said:[/size]Larsen:
"Shelley, Lovelady, Baker, and Truly all lied. Their statements, the Darnell film, and handwritten interrogation notes prove it. The second-floor Oswald/Baker encounter never occurred. Shelley's and Lovelady's walk over to the railroad yard never occurred.
The WC fabricated the second floor encounter so they could identify where Oswald supposedly was after he supposedly shot Kennedy. (In reality he was outside watching the P. Parade.) Unfortunately, Vickie Adams' testimony debunked the encounter. So the WC recruited Shelley and Lovelady into a lie that would discredit Adams' testimony. I believe that Shelley and Lovelady were chosen to lie for the WC because they had already been talked into lying about seeing Oswald standing next to them on the TSBD steps."
Gilbride and I have proven the Lunch Room Encounter was real...The only reason it is being challenged is because the Prayer Man people knew Oswald being calm and not out of breath in the Lunch Room made Prayer Man impossible...So, as is typical of Greg Parker, the Prayer Man people went after the evidence in order to force their theory to work...If I can speak frankly amongst a group I have associated with for 15 years, it is pretty stupid to not see this...We know the Lunch Room Encounter is real because (as Sandy forgets) Mrs Garner saw Truly & Baker emerge on the 4th Floor in synch with the Encounter...And Bonnie Ray saw Baker's helmet emerge above the boxes on the 5th Floor also in synch with the Encounter...The employees at the 4th Floor windows also saw Bonnie Ray come down to the 4th Floor in synch with Baker's emergence on the 5th Floor...The Prayer Man people have hijacked the Education Forum and they are excluding this correct version (and calling themselves "administrators")...Oswald told of the Encounter and he was being truthful...Adams got out right before Truly & Baker so it is not true that her statements debunked the Encounter...Sandy is just bending the evidence towards Prayer Man while ignoring that which refutes it...
While calling himself an administrator Sandy Larsen is ignoring my discovery of Sarah Stanton hearing Oswald say he was not going down to watch the motorcade but was going back in to the "Break Room" instead...That "Break Room" was the 2nd Floor Lunch Room that Stanton caught Oswald hiding outside of...Carolyn Arnold would see Oswald carry out that promise when she saw Oswald eating lunch alone in the 2nd Floor Lunch Room at 12:25...One of the most important discoveries in JFK Assassination history is being ignored all so the Prayer Man people can indulge their wrong evidence at the full approval of Gordon, while banning its discoverer for life for calling someone a bad name on a well-known informal, unmoderated site (McAdams) where that was OK...Obviously they couldn't find anything I did wrong on the Education Forum if they were that desperate for an excuse...Truly and Baker saw Oswald in the same place 6 minutes later...Oswald was in there the whole time as Oliver Stone correctly depicted...
"I think that Buell Frazier was also one of those who saw Oswald out on the steps. I believe that he was also chosen to lie for the WC because he had already been asked to lie about Oswald watching the P. Parade next to him. So he lied about the bag.
I'm not sure how they got Linnie Mae to lie."
I spoke to Frazier in 2018...I explained that people were saying he saw Oswald right there in the Prayer Man position and covered it up...Frazier got angry and told me "You tell those people that If Oswald was standing right there in front of me on the steps I would have said something"...Frazier was a main witness who was there that day...Sandy Larsen is an Education Forum administrator and Prayer Man believer...
Quote:[size=12] On 1/29/2024 at 12:40 AM, Greg Doudna said:[/size]
"No, just four people. Not counting the CIA assets, given that they are trained to lie."
There were at least two dozen people who were walking towards the steps in Couch/Darnell who would have seen Oswald right there in front of them...Recently a woman's dress neckline was seen on Prayer Man in a clarified frame from Darnell...That and Davidson ends the issue, but administrator Larsen is allowed to ignore that all those who would press it are banned by the "strict" moderators at the forum...Strict moderators who avoid honestly answering the question of who was right in 2016?...
Quote:[size=12] On [/size]Larsen:
"Four people.
Why are you surprised that people can remain silent for life? Hundreds of thousands of CIA officers and assets have done it over the decades. You think four more couldn't have as well?"
A better analogy would be all the people who stay silent about my Prayer Man evidence of PM being Stanton on the JFK internet...
Quote:[size=12] On 1/29/2024 at 12:40 AM, [url=https://educationforum.ipbhost.com/?app=core&module=members&controller=profile&id=7505]Greg Doudna said:[/size]
You see, you just decide what you want to believe...
"No, I don't. My claims are backed by solid evidence, and even proof in some cases.
And maybe you haven't noticed, but most of my beliefs are widely held by the conspiracy community.
What doesn't make sense is that you can't believe people lied in this massive government coverup. That's a real howler if you ask me!"
Let me back on the Education Forum like I deserve and this Prayer Man giant waste of time will be over and the research community will return to the right track as far as solving the case...There is not one case of evidence Sandy could present that I could not refute with the correct Prayer Man evidence...Time to take the credible JFK internet back from Greg Parker's trolls...Real researchers never quit like Murphy and Parker...Stop straw-manning with easy targets like Cohen, Bojzcuk, Roe, Griffith and other nay-sayers...Take me on Sandy...And don't use the excuses of the censorers to avoid it...