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Moderator Sandy Larsen
As Mark Knight said above, he was inclined to retire when I came on as admin. But he promised to stay on as long as I needed him, for which I will be eternally grateful. "

   Mark Knight did not let me back on the Education Forum because he said I called Kathy Becket a bad name on McAdams' forum...I never violated any rules on the Education Forum...Meanwhile Knight himself is allowed to call people bad names when he called me a "Shit-Poster" who would never be let back on the forum....Knight used that appellation to censor the researcher who discovered one of the most important evidence discoveries in 60 years...OK for him - I get banned for life and one of the most important discoveries in research history gets ignored...Good work Sandy, Mark and Gordon...

   Sandy is a pro-Prayer Man moderator who has a clear bias on the subject so he is grateful to Knight who does his dirty work and keeps the correct Prayer Man evidence from the forum...No resistance on that wrongful moderation from Sandy or sanctimony about guarding standards of truth...

   Which only further proves my point that Sandy is even more guilty than Speer in ignoring correct evidence and supporting provably wrong evidence on the forum...Something he moderated Speer for but then openly practices himself with the Prayer Man subject...And now he embarrasses himself by groveling to Gordon - the guy who is the worst violator of all of Sandy's truth standard and the guy who banned the researcher with the correct evidence on Prayer Man...

     All James Gordon has is the threat to ban...He isn't capable of anything else...

    Look at Sandy get on his knees to Gordon...It is kind of nauseating...

Messages In This Thread
Moderator Sandy Larsen - by Brian Doyle - 05-11-2023, 07:07 PM
Moderator Sandy Larsen - by Brian Doyle - 31-01-2024, 10:24 PM
Moderator Sandy Larsen - by Brian Doyle - 25-03-2024, 05:24 PM
Moderator Sandy Larsen - by Brian Doyle - 29-03-2024, 07:20 PM
RE: Moderator Sandy Larsen - by Alan Ford - 09-04-2024, 06:09 PM
Moderator Sandy Larsen - by Brian Doyle - 31-03-2024, 06:18 PM
Moderator Sandy Larsen - by Brian Doyle - 09-04-2024, 07:42 PM
RE: Moderator Sandy Larsen - by Alan Ford - 10-04-2024, 06:28 PM
RE: Moderator Sandy Larsen - by Brian Doyle - 10-04-2024, 04:33 PM
Moderator Sandy Larsen - by Brian Doyle - 11-04-2024, 06:02 PM
RE: Moderator Sandy Larsen - by Alan Ford - 11-04-2024, 06:31 PM
Moderator Sandy Larsen - by Brian Doyle - 11-04-2024, 07:02 PM
RE: Moderator Sandy Larsen - by Alan Ford - 12-04-2024, 05:12 PM
Moderator Sandy Larsen - by Brian Doyle - 12-04-2024, 06:38 PM
RE: Moderator Sandy Larsen - by Alan Ford - 15-04-2024, 06:00 PM
RE: Moderator Sandy Larsen - by Brian Doyle - 15-04-2024, 05:08 PM
Moderator Sandy Larsen - by Brian Doyle - 16-04-2024, 05:48 PM
RE: Moderator Sandy Larsen - by Alan Ford - 16-04-2024, 06:41 PM
Moderator Sandy Larsen - by Brian Doyle - 16-04-2024, 11:36 PM
RE: Moderator Sandy Larsen - by Alan Ford - 17-04-2024, 05:53 PM
RE: Moderator Sandy Larsen - by Alan Ford - 22-04-2024, 07:34 PM
RE: Moderator Sandy Larsen - by Alan Ford - 25-04-2024, 04:55 PM
Moderator Sandy Larsen - by Brian Doyle - 29-04-2024, 06:12 PM
Moderator Sandy Larsen - by Brian Doyle - 02-05-2024, 06:38 PM
Moderator Sandy Larsen - by Brian Doyle - 28-05-2024, 04:57 PM
Moderator Sandy Larsen - by Brian Doyle - 29-05-2024, 12:03 AM
Moderator Sandy Larsen - by Brian Doyle - 30-05-2024, 02:53 PM
Moderator Sandy Larsen - by Brian Doyle - 02-06-2024, 03:48 AM
Moderator Sandy Larsen - by Brian Doyle - 02-06-2024, 04:05 PM
Moderator Sandy Larsen - by Brian Doyle - 04-06-2024, 04:03 PM
Moderator Sandy Larsen - by Brian Doyle - 07-06-2024, 12:54 AM
Moderator Sandy Larsen - by Brian Doyle - 07-06-2024, 04:15 PM

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