01-11-2009, 10:12 PM
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:David Guyatt and Peter Presland's research on the looted "black gold" shows that the wildcard in the trading of gold is the potential ability of intelligence and financial elites miraculously to pluck physical gold out of thin air, and magic it into the market. The elites possess a master wildcard which They can use to alter the groundrules fundamentally at their whim.
Have I misread Russo-Chinese strategy when I wonder whether it is designed to compel the deployment of the "master wildcard"? The thinking being, presumably, that rather like the British military in the late 19th century, the threat of deployment is the real card, and that it's utilisation either terminates its utility and/or reveals the threat as hollow (in the circumstances)?
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:Yet another Twlight Zone is North Carolina, particularly in the area of black scientific research...
Don't hesitate to tell us more...