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Clearstream and Ernest Backes
Time ago I was searching some info about the Clearstream, and Ernest Backes, the clearstream whisteblower, and after reading the translation of this article, I discovered he is a former BND agent. After some research I found that the author of the article (the investigative journalist Frank Krüger) wrote the dossier "Von Clearstream bis Yukos" (in german langage only) on the Yukos affair, and was able to connect Backes to Khodorkovsky's arrest (btw in 2003 Khodorkovsky's shares in Yukos passed to Jacob Rothschild).
So I sent this mail to Mr Krüger, asking (among others) for his opinion on Backes and clearstream affair:

[...]I have a really great interest in themes involving the hidden history, and the "orthodoxy of power" by which I mean, among others, the mechanisms of oppression of human freedom (of tought and physical). I'm versed in the italian form of those mechanisms, but its simply to see that they are just part of a much more complex structure. Here comes my interest for Ernest Backes: trying to understend deeply the complex structure, I found, among others, "Revelation$" the book written by Denis Robert and Ernest Backes, explaining the role of the Clearstream in the international banking contest and it was really usefull to fill some missing link on techical, but not less important, details on historical events such as the Iran Contra affair, the "Banco Ambrosiano" crash, the BCCI scandal. Following the money I have the trace of people involved and the logic who moves them.
Yesterday I tryed to gain new informations on clearstream and on Ernest Backes:
I found some archives,,
the sad news about the will of Denis Robert to stop his investigations on Clearstream and those kind of compensations banks (,
and your talk on Ernest Backes on, and this last thing really got me interested in it and I found a confermation on David Guyatt posts in this thread, and in other online news. After reading all this its natural to ask about the real aim behind the decision of Ernest Backes to talk, and that's why I asked you about what you think over him.[...]

Mr. Krüger answerd me that he was very busy at that time and:
"[...]Beside it is impossible to go into details. But that would be necessary for the understanding of complicate political and/or historical subjects and their interdependencies. I can't represent in a few sentences political and historical research results about which I write books of several hundred pages - especially not in English, which is not my mother tongue. Beyond it takes up too much of my time to write in English, but the results will never be satifactory.[...]"
So he proposed to answer after a while.

Till now I had no answer (I understand Mr. Krüger reasons and I guess his time is almost completely filled with his investigative work), so I ask you your opinion on the figure of Backes, and all the informations you have on this affair and on the implications of Clearsteam in past and new [B]events of deep politics[/B]
... one of the chief sources of cultural paranoia is the everwidening rift between the beliefs of a people and their actual behavior, and the tacit assumption among these same people that this practice�this contradiction between idealism and practice�is a normal state of affairs.
LIONEL RUBINOFF, The Pornography of Power


Messages In This Thread
Clearstream and Ernest Backes - by Tony Guerrier - 11-11-2009, 01:01 AM
Clearstream and Ernest Backes - by David Guyatt - 11-11-2009, 10:39 AM

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