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Obama's Intelligence Agenda: More of the Same from the "Change Administration"
Peter Wrote:David, I don't want to get into a contest as to which of us here is the most cynical [as I may well win]. I disagree with nothing you said and reiterate your point that ONLY if people wake-up to the millenia-old control by the Elites nothing can be done. If they do - anything is possible. Otherwise, we might as well all commit suicide [or have another joint or scotch and laugh at it all awaiting the end with a whimper]. We must have just a modicum of hope against hope. I'm not of the optomistic persuasion, myself, but I do have that tiny sliver of hope - as I know what is possible IF ONLY the sleeping and hypnotized/propagandized masses would awake from their trance and slumber. Let us hope and let us endeavor [as I assume this Forum is for] to aid in that awakening - otherwise we are only documenting the end of humanity and life at the hands of greed and avarice on the part of the upper-upper-class. F**k 'em.

Amen, Brother Lemkin!

Obviously things are grim, but as Lyle Lovett says:
"What would you be if you didn't even try?
You have to try."

So if we're not trying to make a difference then what are we doing here?
Just complaining about things?
I can't stand chronic complainers, personally.
There's nothing more tiresome.

Furthermore I don't want to justify the motto of lazy and selfish people everywhere that "One person can't make a difference." In addition to being lazy and selfish I think they're wrong.

Messages In This Thread
Obama's Intelligence Agenda: More of the Same from the "Change Administration" - by Myra Bronstein - 22-11-2008, 03:11 AM

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