04-12-2009, 10:09 PM
Keith Millea Wrote:Helen,
My Theosophical trail led me in the direction of Alice A Bailey.I see that she is quite controversial these days also.I guess she and Annie Besant weren't the best of friends,but apparently Bailey had a higher regard for Leadbeater.:dontknow:
Wondering if you have any take on Alice Bailey.I realise that she and her work have been characterized as a product of the NWO.I'll link to her Wiki page.
Thank you, Keith, for the link. I read it over, but I have to confess that's the most I've ever read about Bailey. I have a bunch of her ebooks tucked away somewhere but never cracked them open. I remember hearing somewhere that some of the neo-fascists in Chile appreciate her stuff. My free associations on the Wikipedia material? OK, if you twist my arm
She sounds rabidly anti-Jew, probably started out that way as a preacher's wife (wasn't she?) and then had her conviction strengthened by some of the pseudo-gnostic anti-JHWHism rife in Theosophy. She sounds concerned with
hierarchy so much that her alleged heterodoxy re: thesophy doesn't ring very true. I suppose it was really more about personalities, the Indian Theosophy Adyar didn't accept her stuff and Bessant wasn't happy about the Mahatma Letters from America, perhaps sincerely channeled by American theosophists, while Bailey felt the Indian branch was playing politics instead of doing the Work. Just a guess based on the wiki material.
On the NWO: it sounds like Bailey's NWO would have race theory taught in primary schools, there would be no Jews and "Aryans" (Anglo-American WASPs) would have to assume a tutelary position to ensure the welfare of "the Negro" until his race reached parity.
All her talk about Servers made me remember that Twilight Zone episode. The aliens land in their craft and say they have a great book for mankind. All our problems are to be solved by this book. It is called To Serve Man. At the end of the episode, as humans are walking up ramps to the UFOs, one guy breaks loose or something and screams: "It's a cookbook!"
Maybe I'm being unfair to Bailey, I just don't know enough. I have met some JZ Knight people before. They didn't inspire me with a lot of confidence in their supposed powers.
What's your take on her, Keith?