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Climate Change proponents emails and files hacked
David Guyatt Wrote:In regard to Jan's post above in which the article stated the following:

Quote:Lord Lawson, the Conservative former chancellor who has just launched a think tank devoted to challenging conventional wisdom about climate change, told Channel 4 News the advert was "mendacious".

I would merely note that Lord Lawson's son, Dominic ( who writes the Editorial and Opinion sections for The Independent newspaper), is married to Rosa, the sister of Lord Monckton.

Hohoho... :dancing:

Yes, and Dominic Lawson has denied spooky allegations such as the ones here:

Quote:Editor 'provided cover for spies'

Plot thickens: Dominic Lawson denies new accusations that he helped MI6 agents when working for the Spectator

MI6's lawyers lose spy book appeal
Pen mightier than the sword
Russian colonel's defection an intelligence coup for Britain

Ian Traynor in Moscow and Richard Norton-Taylor The Guardian, Friday 26 January 2001 08.41 GMT
Article history

Dominic Lawson, the editor of the Sunday Telegraph and son of the former Tory chancellor, Nigel Lawson, provided journalistic cover for an MI6 officer on a mission to the Baltic to handle and debrief a young Russian diplomat who was spying for Britain, the renegade MI6 officer, Richard Tomlinson, has alleged.

He also claimed he was given cover by the Spectator magazine while on a mission to Macedonia to develop contacts with ethnic Albanian politicians.

In his controversial book being published in Russia, Tomlinson, according to book excerpts leaked to the Moscow press, said that in the early 1990s the editor of the Spectator was on MI6's books and provided cover for an agent named as Spencer who was put on the case of a young Russian diplomat, Platon Obukhov, in Tallin, the capital of Estonia.

Tomlinson writes that Mr Lawson's MI6 identity was "Smallbrow". Mr Lawson was the editor of the Spectator from 1990-95 before moving to its sister publication, the Sunday Telegraph.

Mr Lawson yesterday strongly denied both allegations. "It is complete rubbish that I gave journalistic cover to an MI6 officer who wanted to go to Tallin," he added. The Obukhov case triggered the worst spy row between Britain and Russia since the end of the Soviet Union, with each country expelling four diplomats af ter Obukhov was arrested on charges of spying for Britain in April 1996.

According to Komsomolskaya Pravda, the bestselling Moscow tabloid which has obtained a copy of the Tomlinson book and has been publishing excerpts this week, Spencer, who joined MI6 at the same time as Tomlinson, was given the job of handling Obukhov, codenamed Masterwork.

"For the meetings with Obukhov, Spencer chose Tallin, the capital of the newly independent state of Estonia which was cosying up to the west," the newspaper quoted the book as saying.

"For the trip Spencer took one of his favourite MI6 covers - journalist. The editor of the Spectator magazine provided him with the cover on condition that Spencer wrote just one article for him."

The agent turned to the MI6 section, I/OPS (Information Operations), that deals with the British media to arrange the bogus journalistic credentials, according to the leak from the Tomlinson book.

"Flippin' outrageous!" Spencer laughed as he came back from his visit to I/OPS. "They've got the editor of the Spectator magazine on the books. He's called Smallbrow," he chuckled.

"He's agreed to let me go out to Tallin undercover as a freelancer for his magazine. The only condition is that I have to write an article which he'll publish if he likes it.

"The cheeky bastard wants a story courtesy of the taxpayer!"

Tomlinson also writes that for his mission to Macedonia he was given a letter of accreditation from the Spectator and told by his superiors that if his Albanian interlocutors phoned the Spectator to check on him, Mr Lawson would vouch that Tomlinson was a Spectator journalist.

Mr Lawson's Spectator has been at the centre of a row over MI6 and journalism before. Tomlinson has previously alleged that MI6 agents were asked to write media articles under pseudonyms while in Bosnia during the 1992-95 war.

The Guardian reported in 1998 that the Spectator ran articles by an MI6 officer under a false name during the Bosnian war. The articles were written from Sarajevo by a Kenneth Roberts, though the Spectator noted that the author's name had been changed at his request without revealing his true employer. The MI6 officer has since been publicly identified as Keith Craig.

Mr Lawson yesterday repeated what he said two years ago. "I have never been an agent either paid or unpaid of MI6 or any other government agency."

A Foreign Office spokesman speaking for MI6 said that Mr Tomlinson's claim "comes from someone now wearily familiar as a source of sensational inventions".

Kenneth Roberts also appears in the Tomlinson book as the MI6 agent in Sarajevo whom the rogue agent said he replaced in late 1993.

In the case of Obukhov, the Russian newspaper quoted the Tomlinson book as saying that "Spencer" continued to meet the junior Russian diplomat on a bi-monthly basis in Tallin, then later in Moscow until Russian counter-intelligence arrested Obukhov in Moscow in April 1996. A writer of pulp spy novels who has been in psychiatric care and whose relatives and lawyers said he was a schizophrenic, Obukhov is the son of Alexei Obukhov who was deputy Soviet foreign minister to Eduard Shevardnadze in the Gorbachev era.

After Obukhov was arrested, triggering the tit for tat spy row, the Moscow city court found him unfit to stand trial and ordered compulsory psychiatric treatment which he received from 1997 until July last year when he was sentenced to 11 years imprisonment.

Last month an appeal court overruled the 11-year sentence and Obukhov now faces a new hearing.

So, given the near certain involvement of intelligence agencies in influencing the debate around climate change, quite what are the various spooky players up to?
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war

Messages In This Thread
Climate Change proponents emails and files hacked - by Jan Klimkowski - 05-12-2009, 12:07 PM

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