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Blackwater psyop: Erik Prince as Col Walter Kurtz
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:From here:

Jan Klimkowski Wrote:Excellent work - Magda.

There's a tad more info in the thread "Blackwater gets a makeover" here:

As we poor preterite ones know, They (in the Pynchonian sense) like Their lil' jokes.

Here's a sidesplitter.


In common parlance, covert mind control programmes seeking to create hypno-programmed assassins are part of the Search for the Manchurian Candidate.

In the 2004 remake, starring Denzel Washington, the company controlling people's minds is known as Manchurian Global.

Blackwater is now known as Xe, pronounced Xi.

Quote:The Xí people (習) are an ancient Manchurian people. They were on the Manchurian plain at the same time as the more famous Kumo Xi, who were later called Xi (奚).

Of course, this is mere, ahem, coincidence....


Gawd, that takes hutzpah!

Xe has got to go!
Xe has got to go!
Xe has got to go!
Xe has got to go!

Put em all into the Federal Pen.

Is it pronounced: Zee or maybe Zhee? I have heard it done both ways!

Did you guys know that I once owned and hosted a summary of In Search of the Manchurian Candidate by John Marks. I sold it to Paramount for a little tidy sum. Not a tidy little sum. Cost me only $6.95 it did. Paid for my research it did.

Jan, can you accept or consider my theory about the origin and derivation of the name Manchurian Candidate (singular) as plausible at least, or maybe even highly likely? I think it would have been Condon who coined the phrase, right? Or someone else perchance? Did that title appear anywhere before 1959? My thesis says there was only ONE Manchurian Candidate, Anastase Vonsiatsky a/k/a Lou Amjac in the novel and I have no idea when it became pluralized, do you?

After all Marks called it: In Search of The Manchurian Candidate (singular), too. I think that whoever pluralized it just made a careless mistake and it stuck. Even Dick Russell called the assassins Manchurian Candidates, and argued his case to me, but to no avail.

Whoever wrote him that note from the King Edward Sheraton combined Willoughby, THE Manchurian Candidate and Douglas MacArthur plus The White Man's Bible IMHO from The Church of the Creator where Dr. Revilo Oliver, mentioned by Condon in ManCand with an anagram, was a major player along with Rudy Stanko, the White Russian Ukrainian. Russian Roulette was one of Vonsiatsky's favorite torture tools for his interrogations maybe like the Deerslayer(?) movie or another Viet Nam flick, and in his guestbook from Putnam he refers to life as playing a game of Roulette. Zero or Double Zero and you are busted, he wrote.

Russell's informant closed with:


Messages In This Thread
Blackwater psyop: Erik Prince as Col Walter Kurtz - by John Bevilaqua - 12-12-2009, 06:34 PM

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