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Time for a new relationship with Bolivia

Seems Dough Hertzel's research is newspaper research. Otherwise, he should know that:

- "Yes coca, no cocaine" was not Morale's policy, but a former bolivian president Jaime Paz Zamora, from the MIR party. The party no longer exist and many of his fellow leaders are chased by Morale´s government now.

- "Upper classes who have control over the country's print ant television media"...Hahaha. Evo Morales and his allies control more than 60 % of radios in the country (he has opened about 85 radio stations covering the total of bolivian territory. For a private company, is barely imposible to obtain permissions to install new radio station or obtain authorisation for bandwith); he (or his allieds, including venezuelan "investors" (Chavez) has buyed many newspapers (spacially in La Paz and Cochabamba, where the most important newspapers belongs to MAS or his allieds), not to mention state-owned Canal 7 large network, Megavision, Gigavision, News agencies like ABI, Bolpress, etc, etc... In fact, the contrary is the truth: Only few tv networks and newspapers remains in private hands, afraid and scared by judiciary actions or economic attacs that Morales threatens against them when they dare to critizise him.

- Coca leafs chewing is legal, but not harmless. :hahaha:Its not like tea or waffers. When the coca leaf is chewed, is mixed in the mouth with Bicarbonato de soda, a substance used in bakery, but with the saliva has the property to release the alcaloid of the leafs. They are swallowing cocaine. That's why, if you make a medical test to any coca chewer, results will be high levels of drugs. Many footbol players had problems with that, when they had played international games and a dopping test was performed.

- The Morales community was a war zone not because they where chasing him, but because 80% of bolivian cocaine production come from the communities he controls.

- The "Narcotics Affair Section" of the USA is not larger than DEA. :hahaha:In fact, they are only a couple of guys with computers whose only work is to aware bolivian police about the entrance of well-known colombian or peruvian Traffikkers, and to recive information about bolivian traffikkers to his data bank. They have no way to confirm, and no operational capabilities.

- Bolivian police has confiscated more cocaine... because THERE IS MUCH MORE cocaine to confiscate. Coca crops are almost evrywhere in Bolivia now, even in the jungle region of Pando.

-As I have explained before, Morales expelled DEA because the brothers of his former lover where caught by DEA traffikking more than a hundred kilos of cocaine. Vendetta. They are free now.

- No rigth wing coup effort has been performed, because no coup can succeed in Bolivia without the support of neighbors like Argentina or Brazil, who are allieds of Morales. USA doesen't care. They priorize their good relations with Brazil or Argentina. Right wing knows that. They don't fight to lose.

The "attempt" of a coup by Rosza Flores was a creation of Morales (he bring him to Bolivia, he pays him and latter, he kill him) to blame oppositors and chase them. Result: All oppositor leaders are chased by Morales police and accused judicially not matter if they are innocent or gilty (if they are innocent, he "creates" the gilty). There is no oppositor leader in Bolivia now.

-Bolivia showing "the best economic grouth" ...hahahaha. Another proof he doesen't know what he is talking about. Why then we have so much unemployment ...???... Why bolivians keep migrating to other counties...?, ho, dear.....

- Doh, I get tired to write about Morales marvels. Like his 2d. time coronation in a Hollywood performance all for your benefit, dear gringos. He know you love the movies, so he made his coronation accordingly (doesen't matter if historically was a joke).

-Old romans say that to keep the people happy, you only need bread and circus. We shurely have our circus.

Messages In This Thread
Time for a new relationship with Bolivia - by Ruben Mundaca - 23-01-2010, 11:34 PM

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