12-02-2010, 09:46 AM
The dumbing down of America -- aside from the Iserbyt book and others like it, and the generalized themes of such found on web sites-- is palpable and observable on the streets of America, in the retail establishments, and in other examples of everyday life. Typos are becoming chronic on news graphics and "crawls", few at check-out behind a cash register can make change easily and often correctly (at least without resorting to a calculator), grammar is appalling in local newspapers, and the radio "call in" talk shows are notorious evidence. TV has had its impact in lowering the "lowest common denominator" threshold, and everyone gets a good laugh out of it when the late-night comedy shows go out on the street to ask everyday people simple questions. So when they see Palin refer to her hand, they don't see what's wrong with it. The American people have been traumatically and subtly made to become dull. :withstupid:
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"