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CSETI Expedition Yields First Ever Photograph of an Extraterrestrial
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:David - you and I have discussed this several times already, and I'm sure will do so again.

Goro Adachi's article above was of course written in 2002, before Joseph P Farrell's books, which as we both know, take this dark possibility further. Albeit with a large helping of educated speculation:

# Reich of the Black Sun: Nazi Secret Weapons and the Cold War Allied Legend (Adventures Unlimited Press, 2005)
# SS Brotherhood of the Bell: The Nazi's Incredible Secret Technology (Adventures Unlimited Press, 2006)
# Secrets of the Unified Field: The Philadelphia Experiment, The Nazi Bell, and the Discarded Theory (Adventures Unlimited Press, 2008)

Farrell worked extensively with Igor Witkowski too.

Much HERE on Farrell that is well worth a squint.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14

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CSETI Expedition Yields First Ever Photograph of an Extraterrestrial - by David Guyatt - 22-02-2010, 10:35 AM

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