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FBI, DEA, CIA files involving Tosh Plumlee
Tosh Plumlee Wrote:I agree that the history of those operations should be recorded correctly for the sake of history. Some years ago I did try to do this but was blocked from doing so because the subject matter was highly classified information. In doing so (releasing that information) it was said by the DoJ doing so would be considered a violation of National Security matters. My attorneys told me if I continued they would no longer represent me.
I, as well as others, were warned by federal officials that if we, or I, continued exposing military and National secrets of a classified nature, we (I) would be brought up on charges. However, I did continue and I did try, as well as others, to bring this to the attention of the American people as well as our elected officials, but neither were interested, nor are they, the American people interested in those matters today.

Publishers will not touch this information and they have been warned to stay away from people like me and Chip Tatum and a host of others. A lot of good people have tried to do what was right on those matters only to be threaten and some put in jail on trumped up charges which destroyed their credibility. (or they were out right assassinated... reference Col James Sabow, KI KI Camaranda, Scott Wheeler, Gary Webb, V Foster, Paisely, JFK, and a host of others)

Also, I and others did not get any support from the media or elected officials, or for that matter the public at large. It was a bitter pill at the time.
Today, I do not much care anymore. I like to watch the sunsets and smell the ocean and live with my memories, most of them good. I do not expect any of the REAL details of that time, as well as the JFK matter, to ever see the light of day. The American people really don't care what happened back then or what really goes on behind the close doors of Washington and their special interest secret side deals for profit.
I could spend hours writing and put it all down on Forum's (done that) and even might get some lone nut publisher out there. BUT, if the chips really got down and the going got tough, then all would abandon the ship to protect themselves and hide in their closets. I would be thrown to the wolves, like others. That is the way our elected officials as well as we the people have become..., and that is a real shame.

I have always supported what real researchers have tried to do. And I support their investigations as the facts and documentations I have released have shown. But I, as well as other operatives, have been the only ones who received bloody noses on those investigations.. It seems those that were not there or involved in those Ops know more than the ones who carried them out. AND, if we (the operatives) do not support their theories then we must be discredited. Its a stacked deck againest us. We're the bad eggs. And the federal government, who still guard those deep secrets will make damn sure those secrets will never see the light of day.., at least untill all the real players are dead and gone.

Tosh, I hear you and think others here hear do too. You and I have been trough lots 'o shit, and you, on you own, have been through more than I can even contemplate. I know well the feeling of 'basta', but hope you'll come around to the feeling of 'one more time' for the hell of it...when it feels right....after a J or a scotch or just a nice sunset...whenever the feeling moves you. If we don't all work together to fight this from happening again and telling the truth of the past, what have we to leave the next generations?!...and to history. I too have grown more cynical over the years and since we last met, BUT I know and still feel we must act AS IF what we say and do JUST MIGHT make the vital difference - just in case we are wrong being so cynical. Doing nothing guarentees that nothing will change for the better! Doing something leaves that tiny little sliver of hope......even if the last time you / we tried 'it' it didn't work - maybe, must maybe this time......if you get my drift....and see that milkyway and think of those who follow us....
Best, your friend Peter

Messages In This Thread
FBI, DEA, CIA files involving Tosh Plumlee - by Peter Lemkin - 04-12-2008, 08:04 PM

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