01-03-2010, 09:20 PM
To me, the issue is not to lionize Stack or any who act in similar ways but to have some greater understanding of the forces at work in a small vesicle of an individual's life and mind while at the same time understanding of the forces at work in the large vesicle of this country's socio-political culture.... to see not only what precipitated the event, but what precipitates from it, and who is adding what catalytic agents.
It seems there are the hidden hand of external political forces and agents such as documented here at DPF, and the inner hand of our own mind and psyche to the extent that we can understand it in our own case (let alone the education and training elements to move up the ladder of that skill), and -- assuming that we are sane, grounded, aware, and centered -- to navigate effectively amidst the increasingly turbulent waters.
Even if we are merely passive agents, some understanding of the currents that push our small self-powered sea-craft in the wide ocean may be useful in order to remain sane, grounded, aware, and centered -- or, to keep one's sea legs, as it were.
It seems there are the hidden hand of external political forces and agents such as documented here at DPF, and the inner hand of our own mind and psyche to the extent that we can understand it in our own case (let alone the education and training elements to move up the ladder of that skill), and -- assuming that we are sane, grounded, aware, and centered -- to navigate effectively amidst the increasingly turbulent waters.
Even if we are merely passive agents, some understanding of the currents that push our small self-powered sea-craft in the wide ocean may be useful in order to remain sane, grounded, aware, and centered -- or, to keep one's sea legs, as it were.
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"