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Oh God, let's have a just and holy war. Please.
He was a medical doctor and psychiatrist before the war and so alternative medicine was one area in which he could work since he could not return to orthodox medicine as he asked by the US/NATO to keep a low profile. Operation Paperclip no longer being funded and all that he couldn't travel to the US or UK. He may well have picked up some strange ideas/friends in the mean time though I'm not sure that his words are not being misrepresented by the western media. He is basically correct in saying that none of this was the doing of Yugoslavia. Karadzic worked with others in keeping Yugoslavia together in the face of Western backed and manipulated fascist and reactionary forces. When Yugoslavia was broken by these forces he worked with others to protect the human and democratic rights of minority groups with in the new right wing nationalistic puppet state-lets. Karadzic is not representing himself as stated in the previous article. They have forced a lawyer on him who he rejects (see below). He is being tried in a court which is a kangaroo court and he is not being judged by his peers. It is a set up and he will likely end up dead in his cell like Milosevic.

The following is from an email by Tim Fenton who has followed the dismemberment of Yugoslavia by the west since the beginning:

The ICTY inquisition has imposed a lawyer on Dr Kardzic and rejected his appeal (see BBC report below). Dr K has rightly pointed out that he should have someone who shares his culture and outlook not someone who has probably spent many an hour baying for his (or any other Serb's) blood...

Just look at this lawyer's "previous" (as we would say of repeat offenders in England):

Almost all his other clients have been cause celebres of the same people who love to call for ever stronger demonisation of Serbs.
Michael Mansfield (with whom this jerk works) is one of those people who is a caricature of the New Labour "multi-culturalists" who have a self-loathing for their own culture and (in truth) are actually despised by the very people they trendily seek to "defend".

They could hardly have done any worse if they had chosen Sir Geoffrey "Not" Nice! Richard Harvey


Richard Harvey has a wide ranging and formidable international and domestic reputation in Human Rights, Crime and Tribunals of Inquiry, International Criminal Tribunals, Environmental issues, Criminal Appeals and Inquests. He has a substantial criminal defence practice involving serious crime. He also serves as an advisor to Greenpeace International and Amnesty International on environmental and human rights matters.

Recent domestic criminal cases include:

  • R v. Abernethy & Ors (2008), Armagh Crown Court. Lead counsel for defendant in biggest cigarette smuggling conspiracy (£15m) in history of Northern Ireland.
  • R v. O'Donnell & Ors (2008), Belfast Crown Court. Lead counsel for anti-war activist in 2006 protest against Israel Defence Force bombing of civilians in Lebanon.
  • R v Jawad Akbar & Ors (2005-2007),Central Criminal Court, London. Conspiracy to cause explosions in various locations in central London.
  • R v Tahira Tabassum & Ors (2004). Central Criminal Court, London. Withholding information under Terrorism Act in relation to suicide bombing in Israel.
Inquiry work includes:

  • Family of Patrick Finucane (2008 to date). Joint lead counsel with Michael Mansfield QC advising family of murdered Belfast solicitor.
  • Bloody Sunday Inquiry (2000 - 2005). Counsel for the family of James Wray, killed by British Army.
Inquest work includes:

  • Matter of Derek Bennett (2004 to date). Inquest into death of black man shot in back by Metropolitan Police. Currently on appeal on Article 2 issues to European Court of Human Rights.
  • Matter of Blair Peach, 1980. Represented the Anti-Nazi League at the inquest into the death of teacher killed by Metropolitan Police
International criminal cases include:
  • Prosecutor v Lahi Brahimaj, International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (2005 to date) Lead counsel for Kosovo Liberation Army leader accused of war crimes, The Hague, Netherlands
  • Prosecutor v Haradin Bala International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (2004 - 2005). Co-counsel for Kosovan Liberation Army soldier accused in war crimes case, The Hague, Netherlands
  • Juvenal Kajelijeli, International Criminal Tribunal for Ruanda, (1999-2000). Co-counsel for former mayor accused of genocide and war crimes before ICTR at Arusha, Tanzania.
Between 1980 to 2000 Richard taught human rights and practised law in Harlem, New York. Richard's practice included serving as counsel to Government of South Africa since 1996; In Haiti, Richard was counsel to President Jean Bertrand Aristide, assisting in prosecuting murder and intimidation under the military junta which ousted Aristide. In addition Richard has advised a number of governments of Asian, African and Caribbean countries, including Namibia, Cape Verde, Trinidad & Tobago and Vietnam.

In New York his criminal and appellate practice included major criminal cases such as representing the lead defendant in United States v. Filiberto Ojeda Rios, a landmark case on right to bail for the leader of the Puerto Rican underground liberation movement, accused of masterminding $7.2 million armoured car robbery and shooting an FBI agent. Richard also conducted many major political asylum cases involving clients from Haiti, Northern Ireland and apartheid South Africa.

(Last Updated: September 2009)
Karadzic lawyer appeal rejected by ICTY

[Image: _46661371_008218633-1.jpg] Karadzic had asked for a lawyer who shared his heritage

The Hague-based Yugoslav war crimes tribunal has dismissed Radovan Karadzic's appeal against its appointment of a lawyer to defend him.
The ex-Bosnian Serb leader had asked for a lawyer with his own "heritage and language" to replace Richard Harvey, the British counsel imposed on him.
He was appointed in November when Mr Karadzic, who insists on defending himself, boycotted proceedings.
The case is due to resume on 1 March to give Mr Harvey time to prepare.
"The appeals chamber dismisses the appeal in its entirety," said a written ruling from the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY).
[Image: o.gif] THE CHARGES
Eleven counts of genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and other atrocities
Charged over shelling Sarajevo during the city's siege, in which some 12,000 civilians died
Allegedly organised the massacre of up to 8,000 Bosniak men and youths in Srebrenica
Targeted Bosniak and Croat political leaders, intellectuals and professionals
Unlawfully deported and transferred civilians because of national or religious identity
Destroyed homes, businesses and sacred sites

[Image: inline_dashed_line.gif]

Karadzic trial: Key events
Q&A: Karadzic on trial

"The right to self-represent is not absolute and may be subject to certain limitations."
Mr Karadzic, 64, faces 11 charges, including war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide for his role in the Bosnian conflict of the early 1990s.
He faces life in prison if convicted of crimes that include the Srebrenica massacre of 7,000 Muslims and the 44-month siege of Sarajevo.
Mr Karadzic was transferred to The Hague in 2008 after 13 years on the run.
The court is anxious to begin proceedings in earnest in March, so as to avoid a repeat of the trial of former Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic, which stretched into its fourth year before he died in his cell.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.

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Oh God, let's have a just and holy war. Please. - by Magda Hassan - 02-03-2010, 02:30 AM

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