07-12-2008, 08:15 AM
(This post was last modified: 07-12-2008, 08:32 AM by Peter Lemkin.)
Keith Millea Wrote:Thanks for this post Peter.Unfortunatly,I only have dial-up connection and can not view long videos.I will though send it along to my youngest son.He is a student,and just changed his environmental science major to a minor,and has Philosophy as his new major.I am sure that he will be very interested.
I will try to find some Jenson materials on my computer and internet to post. Fair warning: Jensen is a no-nonsense Eco-Warrior in defense of Gaia, and willing to do battle with those who are destroying / killing the Environment and the Planet. He uses very frank language, at times, and has [to many] extreme views - spoken with much humor and sincerity. I don't think his views are extreme - but I'm sure he has a huge FBI (and other agency) files. He doesn't advocate offensive things; only defensive - and to defend those who can't 'speak' and act with as much agency as we. I think, also, his views can and should be taken, in part, into the political action community. His last book is in two parts. Both parts are called Endgame. The second part is called Resisistance -and is his philosophical treatise on how to fight the forces destroying the Environment and Humanity, as well. I could also suggest other Environmental thinkers, not so radical. May I also suggest you pass on to your son and that Forum Members with broadband [I can NOT live without it - and it is more easily availble in Europe than in the USA - another conspiracy....] look at the film called Life At The End Of Empire - What A Way To Go. It is very well done and sober [if painful, at times] wake-up call to the immediate crisis facing humanity and the Planet on the Environmental Front. The filmmaker has serveral interviews intercut in the film of Jensen and the other better spokespersons and thinkers on this subject. Jensen is saying - as few others are saying - time to stop talking about a solution (or only complaining) - the time is past to make our stand [he uses the picket-pin as his analogy]. One Native American tribe had a practice where the warriors in battle would place a large picket-pin [stake] hammered into the ground, to which they were attached by a long rope. In battle they could not move the pin - unless it was forward - no retreat was possible. Jensen in the end of his books and in his talks asks every reader, every listener, everyone - "what will it take; where in the ongoing deterioration of the Planet's and Polity's infrastructure - until you are willing to make a stand and act?! When and where will you put in your picket-pin"?! I ask each in this Forum to ask this of themselves - on the Environment and on the Political issues we post about. Jensen challenges our notion of 'civilization' and calls for its dismanteling, partly to make a point, but very much as his desire to get back to where humans once were, long ago - sustainable and in harmony with, not in opposition to Nature. It is the philosophy of the most radical (in the good sense, I think) of the Environmental movement - but (speaking here as an Environmental Scientist), the ONLY one that can possibly lead to a sustainable and long-term future for both humans and many creatures with which we share the Planet. Even if one doesn't share his conclusions, I think his analysis is brilliant and will make one loose sleep - as well we should, these days.