08-12-2008, 12:16 PM
I want to add a little more on private parking. It is standard practise for private parking companies like supermarkets (but many others besides) to issue parking fine notifications that are designed to mimic official police or council parking fine notices and so create fear. Parking fine notifications issued by private entities have very little clout in reality, as they are subject to "contract law". Whilst they may send your a parking fine notification bearing a poor digital copy of your car parked in contravention of their rules, this is far from enough. They must be able to prove in court who was driving the vehicle. The onus is on them to prove this and not on you to provide them with any ammunition. You are not obliged to admit you were driving if you were. You are not obliged to tell them who else might have been driving the vehicle. You are not obliged to tell them a damn thing in fact.
And while the usual fear-mongering tactic is to threaten to pass the fine on to a Debt Collection Agent if you do not pay, the debt collection agent have very little power other than bluster. If they threaten court action, tell them you'll be pleased to defend yourself in court (they cannot get a court order without you being given the opportunity to be present a defence) - and if they go ahead with curt action (which would be simply unbelievable imo) they would need to prove who was the driver of the vehicle.
The general rule is to challenge the private company issuing a private parking notification telling them that you do not intend yo pay and if they pass on the fine to a debt collection agency, to tell that entity that you are in dispute with their client and they they should refer the matter back to them. Thereafter, tell the the private parking company in a letter that you will give them (say) 14 days to provide proof of who the vehicle driver was or you will consider the matter closed.
But for all sorts of template letters on the foregoing and far better legal insights, see the two links I provided in the foregoing post.
And while the usual fear-mongering tactic is to threaten to pass the fine on to a Debt Collection Agent if you do not pay, the debt collection agent have very little power other than bluster. If they threaten court action, tell them you'll be pleased to defend yourself in court (they cannot get a court order without you being given the opportunity to be present a defence) - and if they go ahead with curt action (which would be simply unbelievable imo) they would need to prove who was the driver of the vehicle.
The general rule is to challenge the private company issuing a private parking notification telling them that you do not intend yo pay and if they pass on the fine to a debt collection agency, to tell that entity that you are in dispute with their client and they they should refer the matter back to them. Thereafter, tell the the private parking company in a letter that you will give them (say) 14 days to provide proof of who the vehicle driver was or you will consider the matter closed.
But for all sorts of template letters on the foregoing and far better legal insights, see the two links I provided in the foregoing post.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14