16-03-2010, 11:40 AM
When the Supreme Court decided the case 'Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, henceforth allowing corporate soft money to to influence US elections, Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL) cynically opined that it would lead to the election of the "congressmen from Wal-Mart. Turns out, he may be right.
Meet Murray Hill, Inc., the first corporation to run for Congress in the US........
So which corporation would you vote for??????? What a lovely choice there will be!:ahhhhh:
When the Supreme Court decided the case 'Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, henceforth allowing corporate soft money to to influence US elections, Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL) cynically opined that it would lead to the election of the "congressmen from Wal-Mart. Turns out, he may be right.
Meet Murray Hill, Inc., the first corporation to run for Congress in the US........
So which corporation would you vote for??????? What a lovely choice there will be!:ahhhhh: