16-03-2010, 08:07 PM
Susan Grant Wrote:http://www.blacklistednews.com/news-7797-0-15-15--.html
When the Supreme Court decided the case 'Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, henceforth allowing corporate soft money to to influence US elections, Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL) cynically opined that it would lead to the election of the "congressmen from Wal-Mart. Turns out, he may be right.
Meet Murray Hill, Inc., the first corporation to run for Congress in the US........
So which corporation would you vote for??????? What a lovely choice there will be!:ahhhhh:
OK, the challenge then is how to work with the prevailing grain, and yet bring the entire system into complete discredit.
So, a suggestion.
We need, on both sides of the Atlantic, a campaign to win for the voter the same right - to be bought and sold - as that enjoyed by politicians & the traditional mainstream parties. What we should be demanding is the right to auction our votes, not least on ebay, to the highest bidders, precisely as the pols and the parties do. Only we'd retain the high ground by doing it openly and publicly. Such a campaign has the potential to unite a broad strand of public opinion, and would provide much amusement along the way. That's a very attractive combo - satire, laugher and principle. How about it?