31-03-2010, 07:42 PM
Thanks, Helen. Same folks as in Hardin? Troubling.. It strikes me at first blush as having nothing to do with police, army, or corrections (in the old traditional sense), but is perhaps a form of 'an instant starter kit' for a torture/mind control factory, institute and training ground that can be assigned any number of tasks.
David, I suspect too the funding or "sponsor" (to use the Drago/Evica model) is not in the Pentagon but well outside it, and perhaps not even American in origin or attenuation.
David, I suspect too the funding or "sponsor" (to use the Drago/Evica model) is not in the Pentagon but well outside it, and perhaps not even American in origin or attenuation.
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"