05-04-2010, 08:15 PM
Anthony Marsh Wrote:I don't see any other appropriate thread about theories about who was behind it, so I'll leave this here. My own theory came about by serendipity. I was researching the limousine damage and trying to track down a rumor of a bullet hole in the floor. So, I looked up an article in Time from 1964. And I noticed a theory which was very widespread in France.
The theory is that the CIA learned about a plot to kill President Kennedy and intentionally let it happen. They knew about a threat to kill JFK and intentionally did not notify the Secret Service.
The problem with this is not exactly uncommon to even the best and brightest of JFK researchers' works.
The CIA is a tool, not the carpenter.
In turn, the carpenter is not the architect.
And the architect is not the homeowner.