11-04-2010, 03:32 PM
Myra Bronstein Wrote:Keith Millea Wrote:
...here's what I do know: virtually everything that Dawn Johnsen said about executive power, secrecy, the rule of law and accountability for past crimes made her an excellent fit for what Candidate Obama said he would do, but an awful fit for what President Obama has done.
Obama in a nutshell. Judged by his actions he is the third Bush president, i.e., exactly what the corporate/wall street owned "government" wanted and installed.
How utterly disappointing. This was one of the very few nominations that gave me any hope that Obama would be even a fraction of what he promised. Yes, he is Bush's third term now in all manners. The powers that be indeed have nothing to fear with regards to any true "change you can believe in". What a hollow phrase.
In disgust, again,