19-12-2008, 07:20 PM
David Guyatt Wrote:It is a really serious problem Peter. I sent a copy to a pension fund manager I know who responded saying that he also believed the US dollar would cease being the world's reserve currency as a result of these massive problems.
The future ain't bright at all.
These economists and political analysts have an amazingly good track-record with their predictions - look at their past ones on their website! Now they are saying NO substantial growth in US or UK until at least 2018!.....talk about social unrest - not to mention many hundreds of millions suffering greatly. Sadly, the nature of the beast is such that they'll likely have to resort to war or wars to divert attention - as the leaders would be guillotined, as they were in Paris once upon a time.....
No, things look very grim and this is only the beginning of the slide!