08-05-2010, 09:37 AM
Thanks for your response Helen. Great find on the Manly Hall UFO piece btw.
The following is extracted from Keith's book re Lam etc:
From this I think we n again see that the Qabalistic Sephiroth Daath is all over the story of Lam, Grey aiens and Sirius. In fact it is this Sephiroth Daath that is said to be the gateway from the Tree of Life into it's dark reflection, its antithesis in fact, known as the Tree of Evil - and usually referred to as the world of the so called "Shells" or the "Qlippoth" (to purloin the Qabalistic name for it). The following link provides some small insights into this subject. However, it is interesting to note that the following states:
This is why it strikes me that the whole subject of UFO's, namely the development of advanced Nazi aircraft by he US and others, has also woven into it the subject of Qlippothic magic -- not least because the Nazi's were deeply engaged in Black Sun research which delves in these unwholesome areas. And when we add to this equation NASA giants like Crowleyian Jack Parsons, then we can assume that this trend continued after WWII.
The following is extracted from Keith's book re Lam etc:
Quote: There are further symbolic linkages on this speculative trail
that may or may not lead to the stars. At the beginning of this
century, contact with the Sirius star system was claimed by the
occultist Lucien-Francois Jean-Maine who, through the famous
occultist Papus, learned the rituals of the Ordo Templi Orientis
lodge, founded by Aleister Crowley, and formed his own group in
his native Haiti. Jean-Maine is said to have in 1922 combined the
OTO rituals with voodoo practices to form the Cult of the Black
Snake in Haiti. He also claimed to be in contact with a disembodied
being or voodoo loa named Lam, an entity who OTO Grand Master
Kenneth Grant said was one of the Great Old Ones, an elder as well
as eldritch god nigh-identical with those portrayed by the American
horror writer H.P. Lovecraft in the 1920s and 30s.
Lam, according to Grant, has the task of uniting the current
that emanates from the Andromeda galaxy with the current that
flows from Sirius. Grant believed that a dimensional portal exists in
the Andromeda galaxy, and through this portal will enter the Old
Ones, demonic entities intent on returning Earth to their dominion
and having humanity for breakfast.
Prior to Jean-Maine's contact with Lam, the famous occultist
and founder of the OTO Aleister Crowley reported that he had
summoned the same entity through one of his own "magickal"
workings. Crowley also penned a drawing of Lam, reprinted in
Kenneth Grant's The Magical Revival, adding another strange
dimension to the now inter-dimensional puzzle.
Crowley portrays the entity Lam as a prototypical big-headed
"Gray," i.e. as the picture of modern popular conceptions about what
a UFO alien is supposed to look like. Crowley, relates Grant, also
"unequivocally identifies his Holy Guardian Angel with Sothis
(Sirius), or Set-Isis." The obvious connection here is the significance
of Sirius, although the Ordo Templi Orientis lodge, Crowley, and
Lam also have their own special relevance.
From this I think we n again see that the Qabalistic Sephiroth Daath is all over the story of Lam, Grey aiens and Sirius. In fact it is this Sephiroth Daath that is said to be the gateway from the Tree of Life into it's dark reflection, its antithesis in fact, known as the Tree of Evil - and usually referred to as the world of the so called "Shells" or the "Qlippoth" (to purloin the Qabalistic name for it). The following link provides some small insights into this subject. However, it is interesting to note that the following states:
Quote:Qlippoth, Hebrew, "shells, husks," is a term in the Kabbalah tradition means "Lords of Unbalanced Powers" referring to demonic entities from a former universe who survived in the present one.
This is why it strikes me that the whole subject of UFO's, namely the development of advanced Nazi aircraft by he US and others, has also woven into it the subject of Qlippothic magic -- not least because the Nazi's were deeply engaged in Black Sun research which delves in these unwholesome areas. And when we add to this equation NASA giants like Crowleyian Jack Parsons, then we can assume that this trend continued after WWII.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14