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Keith's House! Keith's House!
Hey,it's not MY house.I've never owned a house.For those that are owners,don't look out the window,there just might be a swat team waiting for YOU!!!

05.10.10 - 9:36 AM
Keith's House! Keith's House!

by Abby Zimet
[Image: icade-art-ghh8f98e-10508-foreclosure-protest.jpg]
Ohio deputy sherriffs in riot gear took a battering ram to the foreclosed home of longtime autoworker Keith Sadler and forcibly arrested him and six activists who had barricaded themselves inside the house - and livestreamed video from it - to protest the foreclosure. Sadler had tried various legal means after the bank refused to modify the terms of his loan. Demonstrators from the UAW, Toledo Foreclosure Defense League, Detroit Green Party and other groups had camped out in support of a moratorium on foreclosures. More here and here.
"It's a heartbreaking picture - the amount of money that Keith Sadler owed on his home is probably a day's work for the head of J.P. Morgan. It's pocket change for a lot of the people that have made out on others' misfortune." - Steve Fought, spokesman for U.S. Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D., Toledo)
[Image: ohio_0513.jpg]
"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
Buckminster Fuller

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Keith's House! Keith's House! - by Keith Millea - 10-05-2010, 05:01 PM

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