06-06-2010, 02:42 PM
Looks like the UAE/Iranium sub-drama has been rewritten slighlty to take into account submarines and Israeli death-squads. We have always been at war with Eurasia.
In other words, Mossad has discovered a Dubai computer importer selling Siemens equipment to Iran at a discount after the original purchaser was unable to make payment, or something to that effect. "Controllers" is the only oeprative word that might exist on the list of controlled items under the NPT/IAEA aegis. And only then if they are those kryton/krytron switches which you can find in old Xerox machines anyway.
Is the US edging away from supporting the UAE nuclear reactor? Are there contingencies involving embargoes against Iran? How will Dubai respond to the assassination of the Palestinian leader by a third country on its territory, in light of further assassinations of peaceful activists in international waters?
Tune in next week for another episode of The Young Turks and the Restless Ultraorthodox on your local affilliate.
Quote:Report: Iran smuggling German-made nuclear equipment via Dubai
Sunday Telegraph: Dubai intermediary sells Iran components bought from German manufacturer without its knowledge in violation of UN resolutions.
By Haaretz Service
Tags: Iran Iran nuclear
Iran has been able to smuggle advanced technological equipment to its uranium enrichment plant in Natanz via a complex smuggling route based in Dubai, the Sunday Telegraph reported on Sunday.
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad speaking in the city of Kerman, southeast of Tehran on May 26, 2010.
Photo by: AP
According to the report, an Iranian company has purchased control systems from one of Germany's leading electronic manufacturers. The deal was negotiated with a Dubai trading company, which in turn sold Iran a range of electronic equipment for use at its enrichment facility, the British website reported.
The report comes amid growing concerns that though Iran claims its nuclear program has only peaceful aims, Tehran is in fact working toward manufacturing nuclear weapons.
According to the Sunday Telegraph, Iran has smuggled German computers, controllers, communication cards and cables into Iran. The equipment was sold to Iran via a Dubai intermediary, using false certificates for companies in Asia, without the knowledge of the German manufacturer.
Last month, U.S. and United Nations officials launched an investigation into Tehran's acquisition of components restricted for sale to Iran under UN resolutions. The investigation, which covered several Western companies suspected of violating said resolutions has now been expanded to Dubai, already under American pressure to prevent the transfer of technology to Iran.
In other words, Mossad has discovered a Dubai computer importer selling Siemens equipment to Iran at a discount after the original purchaser was unable to make payment, or something to that effect. "Controllers" is the only oeprative word that might exist on the list of controlled items under the NPT/IAEA aegis. And only then if they are those kryton/krytron switches which you can find in old Xerox machines anyway.
Is the US edging away from supporting the UAE nuclear reactor? Are there contingencies involving embargoes against Iran? How will Dubai respond to the assassination of the Palestinian leader by a third country on its territory, in light of further assassinations of peaceful activists in international waters?
Tune in next week for another episode of The Young Turks and the Restless Ultraorthodox on your local affilliate.