24-12-2008, 07:02 PM
Paul Rigby Wrote:...Readers of The Chomsky Reader, edited by the sycophantic James Peck, learn that the great one visited Israel in 1953 “at the time of the Slansky trails in Czechoslovakia”(1).
Oh, ok. What a relief. For some reason Paul I quickly read the chapter name you posted and thought that Chomsky was a contributor to that chapter. And I was sorta freaking out 'cause I think of Chomsky as a propagandist.
I see now. Gibson is outing Chomsky as the propagandist he is.
There are samples of the chapter here: http://books.google.com/books?id=7n_sF3P...&ct=result
Dang, you're right. I have to beg/borrow/steal/whatever that book.