27-12-2008, 10:33 PM
200 and counting dead; many hundred injured.....arial bombing, and more to come. What ever happened to the concept of Peace and only fighting defensive wars and only when all else [they call it diplomacy and negotiation, by the way] has failed. When the Palistinians RESPOND, to defend and survive, they will be called the aggressor by Israel and the US [likely UK, as well]....nice game they play. I have an idea. I suggest the leaders of the USA, UK, Russia, and Israel be send to the international space station - one way tickets. Anyone else who tries similar offensive actions are welcome to join them. This obviously has the wink and nod of W and Co. who have a number of things on their list to do before they depart in a month. And don't forget the Palastinians have no country, no land, no nation, no security - all that was forceably taken away from them and continues to be. Uppity Palastinians - but then the Native Americans were as well....and many others who've been invaded and moved off their land and lives.....without justice or compensation; and with force. A land without people for a people without land? Hardly.