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Aldous Huxley's final trip
Quote:There's another thing I read about his death. He and his wife had a pact that if there were an afterlife, he would seek to provide a sign to her that he had arrived in that afterlife. Some odd coincidence or series of coincidences made her believe he did in fact contact her, I can't remember the details but it had something to do with one of his books.

I'm not familiar with his book "Island",but Laura talks about it in her letter.She seems to make a strong connection between what he wrote in the book,and of his final passing.Maybe this is the book where Adlous talks about the afterlife?Below is from the transcribed version of the letter.

Quote:And now, after I have been alone these few days, and less bombarded by other people's feelings, the meaning of this last day becomes clearer and clearer to me and more and more important. Aldous was, I think (and certainly I am) appalled at the fact that what he wrote in ISLAND was not taken seriously. It was treated as a work of science fiction, when it was not fiction because each one of the ways of living he described in ISLAND was not a product of his fantasy, but something that had been tried in one place or another and some of them in our own everyday life. If the way Aldous died were known, it might awaken people to the awareness that not only this, but many other facts described in ISLAND are possible here and now. Aldous'asking for moksha medicine while dying is a confirmation of his work, and as such is of importance not only to us, but to the world. It is true we will have some people saying that he was a drug addict all his life and that he ended as one, but it is history that Huxleys stop ignorance before ignorance can stop Huxleys.

I am by no means a supporter of the school of thought (Leary)that one needs someone of experience to help guide a person through an LSD session.But,I must say that after reading about Huxleys death,I really think that Laura did guide him so beautifully,and in such a very high and truley sacred manner,that I can imagine this to be an ultimate path in the death experience.Of course,this can only be true for a person who is comfortable with the psychedelic experience.Or to put it plainly,(not suited for everyone).lol

Lauras' beautiful guidence:

Quote: He was very quiet now; he was very quiet and his legs were getting colder; higher and higher I could see purple areas of cynosis. Then I began to talk to him, saying, "Light and free," Some of these thing I told him at night in these last few weeks before he would go to sleep, and now I said it more convincingly, more intensely - "go, go, let go, darling; forward and up. You are going forward and up; you are going towards the light. Willing and consciously you are going, willingly and consciously, and you are doing this beautifully; you are doing this so beautifully - you are going towards the light; you are going towards a greater love; you are going forward and up. It is so easy; it is so beautiful. You are doing it so beautifully, so easily. Light and free. Forward and up. You are going towards Maria's love with my love. You are going towards a greater love than you have ever known. You are going towards the best, the greatest love, and it is easy, it is so easy, and you are doing it so beautifully."

"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
Buckminster Fuller

Messages In This Thread
Aldous Huxley's final trip - by Ed Jewett - 14-07-2010, 02:47 AM
Aldous Huxley's final trip - by Keith Millea - 14-07-2010, 04:41 PM
Aldous Huxley's final trip - by Jan Klimkowski - 14-07-2010, 07:18 PM
Aldous Huxley's final trip - by Austin Kelley - 14-07-2010, 07:46 PM
Aldous Huxley's final trip - by Helen Reyes - 18-07-2010, 03:19 PM
Aldous Huxley's final trip - by Keith Millea - 19-07-2010, 05:37 PM
Aldous Huxley's final trip - by Dawn Meredith - 19-07-2010, 06:35 PM
Aldous Huxley's final trip - by Phil Dragoo - 02-09-2010, 06:35 AM
Aldous Huxley's final trip - by Ed Jewett - 02-09-2010, 08:08 AM

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