12-08-2010, 09:54 PM
Malcolm Pryce Wrote:I am disappointed by the response here to Matthew Lewis's evidence.Thank you for your support. All I'm looking for is a civil discussion.
I have no axe to grind, I am sympathetic to the people and aims of this forum, and am convinced on some issues such as JFK and 9/11.
And I have no idea who Matthew Lewis is. That said, as a fair-minded observer I have to say the information he posted is extensive, well documented, well-argued and, frankly, a damn sight more intellectually robust than most claims I read about alleged chemtrials.
He has been accused of evasion, pseudo-science and ridicule. I see no real evidence to justify these claims.
I don't want to upset people, I just want to find the truth. And I especially don't want to inadvertantly promulgate non-science and lay myself open to the charge of lacking intellectual rigour when I talk about other deep political events.