23-09-2010, 06:19 AM
... but the reference points are probably here:
Jewish rapid response teams coming to US?
by maz » Fri Sep 17, 2010 5:20 am
![[Image: israel_t-shirt.jpg]](http://undertheradarmedia.files.wordpress.com/2010/01/israel_t-shirt.jpg)
![[Image: jewish-extremists-with-guns.jpg]](http://undertheradarmedia.files.wordpress.com/2010/09/jewish-extremists-with-guns.jpg)
Kitat Kohenut and the Israeli Police State in Amerikka
http://mark1marti2.wordpress.com/2010/0 ... -amerikka/
A perpetual state of insomnia may come your way by reading these articles in conjunction with Internet releases chronicling the development of a Jewish paramilitary force in the continental United States, called Kitat Kohenut (“rapid response units“). UNM Israel Alliance’s post on this New York-based organization informs the reader that a training camp is being constructed in northern Arizona.
But Kitat Kohenut indicates that this is only the beginning of their plans for armed operations within the United States. They definitively state that:
“Our short term goal is to form rapid response teams in the larger Jewish communities in the US. These include New York, Miami and Los Angeles. Right now we are in the process of building up these Kitot Konenut (response teams) to get to the point where they are entirely self sufficient and able to cover the entire area of Jewish settlement within those urban centers, as well as their suburbs. We are starting in those areas as we see them as being the most visible, and therefore most likely targets of terrorist and antisemitic attacks.
“Our long term goal is to set up response teams in every community – no matter how big or small – throughout the US. These will include smaller communities like Houston, Dallas, Seattle, San Diego, Phoenix, Albuquerque, Chicago, Cleveland, St. Louis, Denver, Philadelphia, Detroit, Milwaukee, Atlanta, etc.”
Kitat Kohenut proceeds to describe itself as a protection force comprised of volunteer Jews, many with backgrounds in the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), with a mission allegedly made necessary by the spectre of attacks on Jews in the continental United States by groups ranging from Islamic fundamentalists to poor rural whites and neo-Marxists. A perusal of their official web page and MySpace blog, along with many other posts on the Net, will create a composite profile of mission and ideology.
Yonatan Stern and Scott Brown, the heads of Kitat Kohenut, tell UNM Israel Alliance that:
“We are aware of a large and growing number of Islamic terrorist compounds popping up all around the US. In fact, one of the largest ones, ‘Islamberg’, is only a 20 minute drive from our own Israeli Military Training camp in the Catskill Mountains of Upstate New York. They are so close to us that we can practically hear the gunshots from their terrorist training sessions. We also know that many of these groups are affiliated with Al Queida, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Jumaat Al Islamiyya, Hezbolla, etc. They are heavily recruiting Black Americans who are incarcerated for violent crimes in prisons throughout the US. These criminals are educated in their doctrine of hate and taught to be Islamic fighters, suicide bombers, etc. Many of these Black converts, as well as Arab Americans have been captured or killed fighting coalition forces in Iraq and Afghanistan.”
Stern and Brown must be kidding. Any perusal of the Homeland Security magazines at Barnes and Noble or Borders clearly reveals the Israeli intelligence community’s overt public dominance of the American Homeland Security department, and all the security seminars around the country being advertised in these publications. If an Islamic terrorist training camp is being tolerated in upstate New York, the Hidden Hand has reasons for it. And if the American Homeland Security types are afraid of Islamic Fundamentalists, Skinheads, and Neo-Nazis and their real or potential access to high-powered weaponry and paramilitary training, what about an organization dedicated to the Zionist principles of Jewish racial supremacism enforced at the point of a gun barrel?
and here:
Mark Dankof’s America
Just another WordPress.com weblog
Kitat Kohenut and the Israeli Police State in Amerikka
with 20 comments
Mark Dankof in San Antonio. Summer 2010.
For those of you who have trouble sleeping, I don’t recommend reading the alternative explanation of the events in New York on September 11, 2001 offered by Nashid Abdul-Khaaliq. Nor would I recommend ex-CIA station chief Philip Giraldi’s recent essay in Pat Buchanan’s “The American Conservative,” entitled “Mossad in America.”
A perpetual state of insomnia may come your way by reading these articles in conjunction with Internet releases chronicling the development of a Jewish paramilitary force in the continental United States, called Kitat Kohenut (“rapid response units“). UNM Israel Alliance’s post on this New York-based organization informs the reader that a training camp is being constructed in northern Arizona.
But Kitat Kohenut indicates that this is only the beginning of their plans for armed operations within the United States. They definitively state that:
“Our short term goal is to form rapid response teams in the larger Jewish communities in the US. These include New York, Miami and Los Angeles. Right now we are in the process of building up these Kitot Konenut (response teams) to get to the point where they are entirely self sufficient and able to cover the entire area of Jewish settlement within those urban centers, as well as their suburbs. We are starting in those areas as we see them as being the most visible, and therefore most likely targets of terrorist and antisemitic attacks.
“Our long term goal is to set up response teams in every community – no matter how big or small – throughout the US. These will include smaller communities like Houston, Dallas, Seattle, San Diego, Phoenix, Albuquerque, Chicago, Cleveland, St. Louis, Denver, Philadelphia, Detroit, Milwaukee, Atlanta, etc.”
What will be the next move of the Masters of the False Flag Operation? "By Way of Deception, Thou Shalt do War."
Kitat Kohenut proceeds to describe itself as a protection force comprised of volunteer Jews, many with backgrounds in the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), with a mission allegedly made necessary by the spectre of attacks on Jews in the continental United States by groups ranging from Islamic fundamentalists to poor rural whites and neo-Marxists. A perusal of their official web page and MySpace blog, along with many other posts on the Net, will create a composite profile of mission and ideology.
Yonatan Stern and Scott Brown, the heads of Kitat Kohenut, tell UNM Israel Alliance that:
“We are aware of a large and growing number of Islamic terrorist compounds popping up all around the US. In fact, one of the largest ones, ‘Islamberg’, is only a 20 minute drive from our own Israeli Military Training camp in the Catskill Mountains of Upstate New York. They are so close to us that we can practically hear the gunshots from their terrorist training sessions. We also know that many of these groups are affiliated with Al Queida, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Jumaat Al Islamiyya, Hezbolla, etc. They are heavily recruiting Black Americans who are incarcerated for violent crimes in prisons throughout the US. These criminals are educated in their doctrine of hate and taught to be Islamic fighters, suicide bombers, etc. Many of these Black converts, as well as Arab Americans have been captured or killed fighting coalition forces in Iraq and Afghanistan.”
Stern and Brown must be kidding. Any perusal of the Homeland Security magazines at Barnes and Noble or Borders clearly reveals the Israeli intelligence community’s overt public dominance of the American Homeland Security department, and all the security seminars around the country being advertised in these publications. If an Islamic terrorist training camp is being tolerated in upstate New York, the Hidden Hand has reasons for it. And if the American Homeland Security types are afraid of Islamic Fundamentalists, Skinheads, and Neo-Nazis and their real or potential access to high-powered weaponry and paramilitary training, what about an organization dedicated to the Zionist principles of Jewish racial supremacism enforced at the point of a gun barrel?
And what about espionage operations against the people and government of the United States conducted by the State of Israel? The Lavon Affair, the USS Liberty attack on June 8, 1967, the Pollard spy case, the PROMIS affair, and the Rosen-Weissman AIPAC and Ben Ami Kadish espionage cases are but a few examples.
And then there is the Kennedy assassination. My review of Michael Collins Piper’s Final Judgment is still relevant a few years later, along with the discomforting knowledge that Israel nuclear dissident and political prisoner, Mordechai Vanunu, affirms Piper’s well substantiated thesis that the ultimate reason for Mr. Kennedy’s violent end involved his tussle with Ben Gurion over the Israeli nuclear program and international inspection of their Dimona plant. Having read thousands of pages on the subject of the end of America’s 35th President, ranging from Anthony Summers’s Conspiracy to David Lifton’s Best Evidence and Jim Marrs’s Crossfire: The Plot that Killed Kennedy, I found Piper’s thesis to be inherently preposterous—until I read the book.
The view of the Grassy Knoll Gunman on November 22, 1963. The lady being photographed on Elm Street's curb below approximates Kennedy's position at the fatal moment, corresponding to Frame 313 of the Zapruder film. Mark Dankof photo in Dallas, September 1st, 2010.
And then there is September 11, 2001, and what Israeli intelligence and American neo-conservatives now have planned in the nature of a preemptive strike on Iran as an expansion of the present disasters in Iraq and Afghanistan.
How will such ongoing insanity be sold to an American public sick of endless war, national debt, declining economy, and cultural cancer?
The tried-and-true methods of the past will be dredged up again. A false flag operation will occur, presumably tied to Iran. Jewish-owned American media consortiums, and Rupert Murdoch’s Fox News, will sell the official line on the meaning of the event and the identity of the perpetrators. Executive Orders will end freedom of expression on the Internet, and establish draconian domestic suppression of responsible dissent well beyond that already produced by the USA Patriot Acts and the panoply of similar legislation post-2001.
Posse Comitatus will end. The American military will assume un-Constitutional powers in domestic law enforcement. Illegal warrantless electronic surveillance of law-abiding American citizens will increase. Demonization of honest opponents of international and domestic policies perpetrated by the advocates of the New World Order will outstrip anything heretofore experienced.
And then there is Kitat Kohenut. Is it an armed citizens’ movement designed to protect Jewish-Americans from criminal predators, foreign and domestic?
Or is it the ultimate Fifth Column, an IDF/Mossad false flag operation and kidon team being ultimately trained and placed in every American community of substance, an instrument for bringing a 21st century version of the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 to these United States?
The sinking of the USS Maine in Havana Harbor, the sinking of the Lusitania, FDR’s machinations on Pearl Harbor as chronicled by Robert Stinnett, the assassination of John Kennedy, the Gulf of Tonkin resolution, and the events of September 11, 2001 in New York are terrifyingly suggestive. Yes, another tried-and-true false flag incendiary is coming. On this point there can be little doubt.
But the ultimate question is this: Will the American public buy it this time?
[Mark Glenn and Mark Dankof will soon be discussing Kitat Kohenut on The Ugly Truth. Stay tuned. . . .]
Written by Mark Dankof
September 4, 2010 at 9:24 pm
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged with AIPAC, American Israeli Political Action Committee (AIPAC), Anthony Summers, Ben Ami Kadish, Best Evidence, Conspiracy, Crossfire: The Plot that Killed Kennedy, David Lifton, Final Judgment, Fox News, IDF, Islamberg, Jim Marrs, Jonathan Pollard, Kennedy Assassination, Kitat Kohenut, Lavon Affair, Mark Glenn, Michael Collins Piper, Mordechai Vanunu, Mossad, Nashid Abdul-Khaaliq, Philip Giraldi, PROMIS, Rosen-Weissman Spy Case, Rupert Murdoch, Scott Brown, The Ugly Truth, USS Liberty, Yonatan Stern
« Tom Tancredo’s Marriage to the MEK: Posterboy for Israel’s Infiltration of the American Right
Mark Dankof on Press TV of Iran: Discussing 9-11 »
Jewish rapid response teams coming to US?
![[Image: icon_post_target.gif]](http://theinfounderground.com/forum/styles/prosilver/imageset/icon_post_target.gif)
![[Image: israel_t-shirt.jpg]](http://undertheradarmedia.files.wordpress.com/2010/01/israel_t-shirt.jpg)
![[Image: jewish-extremists-with-guns.jpg]](http://undertheradarmedia.files.wordpress.com/2010/09/jewish-extremists-with-guns.jpg)
Kitat Kohenut and the Israeli Police State in Amerikka
http://mark1marti2.wordpress.com/2010/0 ... -amerikka/
A perpetual state of insomnia may come your way by reading these articles in conjunction with Internet releases chronicling the development of a Jewish paramilitary force in the continental United States, called Kitat Kohenut (“rapid response units“). UNM Israel Alliance’s post on this New York-based organization informs the reader that a training camp is being constructed in northern Arizona.
But Kitat Kohenut indicates that this is only the beginning of their plans for armed operations within the United States. They definitively state that:
“Our short term goal is to form rapid response teams in the larger Jewish communities in the US. These include New York, Miami and Los Angeles. Right now we are in the process of building up these Kitot Konenut (response teams) to get to the point where they are entirely self sufficient and able to cover the entire area of Jewish settlement within those urban centers, as well as their suburbs. We are starting in those areas as we see them as being the most visible, and therefore most likely targets of terrorist and antisemitic attacks.
“Our long term goal is to set up response teams in every community – no matter how big or small – throughout the US. These will include smaller communities like Houston, Dallas, Seattle, San Diego, Phoenix, Albuquerque, Chicago, Cleveland, St. Louis, Denver, Philadelphia, Detroit, Milwaukee, Atlanta, etc.”
Kitat Kohenut proceeds to describe itself as a protection force comprised of volunteer Jews, many with backgrounds in the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), with a mission allegedly made necessary by the spectre of attacks on Jews in the continental United States by groups ranging from Islamic fundamentalists to poor rural whites and neo-Marxists. A perusal of their official web page and MySpace blog, along with many other posts on the Net, will create a composite profile of mission and ideology.
Yonatan Stern and Scott Brown, the heads of Kitat Kohenut, tell UNM Israel Alliance that:
“We are aware of a large and growing number of Islamic terrorist compounds popping up all around the US. In fact, one of the largest ones, ‘Islamberg’, is only a 20 minute drive from our own Israeli Military Training camp in the Catskill Mountains of Upstate New York. They are so close to us that we can practically hear the gunshots from their terrorist training sessions. We also know that many of these groups are affiliated with Al Queida, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Jumaat Al Islamiyya, Hezbolla, etc. They are heavily recruiting Black Americans who are incarcerated for violent crimes in prisons throughout the US. These criminals are educated in their doctrine of hate and taught to be Islamic fighters, suicide bombers, etc. Many of these Black converts, as well as Arab Americans have been captured or killed fighting coalition forces in Iraq and Afghanistan.”
Stern and Brown must be kidding. Any perusal of the Homeland Security magazines at Barnes and Noble or Borders clearly reveals the Israeli intelligence community’s overt public dominance of the American Homeland Security department, and all the security seminars around the country being advertised in these publications. If an Islamic terrorist training camp is being tolerated in upstate New York, the Hidden Hand has reasons for it. And if the American Homeland Security types are afraid of Islamic Fundamentalists, Skinheads, and Neo-Nazis and their real or potential access to high-powered weaponry and paramilitary training, what about an organization dedicated to the Zionist principles of Jewish racial supremacism enforced at the point of a gun barrel?
and here:
Mark Dankof’s America
Just another WordPress.com weblog
Kitat Kohenut and the Israeli Police State in Amerikka
with 20 comments
![[Image: markdankofsajuly2010.jpg?w=213&h=160]](http://mark1marti2.files.wordpress.com/2010/08/markdankofsajuly2010.jpg?w=213&h=160)
For those of you who have trouble sleeping, I don’t recommend reading the alternative explanation of the events in New York on September 11, 2001 offered by Nashid Abdul-Khaaliq. Nor would I recommend ex-CIA station chief Philip Giraldi’s recent essay in Pat Buchanan’s “The American Conservative,” entitled “Mossad in America.”
A perpetual state of insomnia may come your way by reading these articles in conjunction with Internet releases chronicling the development of a Jewish paramilitary force in the continental United States, called Kitat Kohenut (“rapid response units“). UNM Israel Alliance’s post on this New York-based organization informs the reader that a training camp is being constructed in northern Arizona.
But Kitat Kohenut indicates that this is only the beginning of their plans for armed operations within the United States. They definitively state that:
“Our short term goal is to form rapid response teams in the larger Jewish communities in the US. These include New York, Miami and Los Angeles. Right now we are in the process of building up these Kitot Konenut (response teams) to get to the point where they are entirely self sufficient and able to cover the entire area of Jewish settlement within those urban centers, as well as their suburbs. We are starting in those areas as we see them as being the most visible, and therefore most likely targets of terrorist and antisemitic attacks.
“Our long term goal is to set up response teams in every community – no matter how big or small – throughout the US. These will include smaller communities like Houston, Dallas, Seattle, San Diego, Phoenix, Albuquerque, Chicago, Cleveland, St. Louis, Denver, Philadelphia, Detroit, Milwaukee, Atlanta, etc.”
![[Image: israeli20connection20to20911.jpg?w=300&h=180]](http://mark1marti2.files.wordpress.com/2010/09/israeli20connection20to20911.jpg?w=300&h=180)
Kitat Kohenut proceeds to describe itself as a protection force comprised of volunteer Jews, many with backgrounds in the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), with a mission allegedly made necessary by the spectre of attacks on Jews in the continental United States by groups ranging from Islamic fundamentalists to poor rural whites and neo-Marxists. A perusal of their official web page and MySpace blog, along with many other posts on the Net, will create a composite profile of mission and ideology.
Yonatan Stern and Scott Brown, the heads of Kitat Kohenut, tell UNM Israel Alliance that:
“We are aware of a large and growing number of Islamic terrorist compounds popping up all around the US. In fact, one of the largest ones, ‘Islamberg’, is only a 20 minute drive from our own Israeli Military Training camp in the Catskill Mountains of Upstate New York. They are so close to us that we can practically hear the gunshots from their terrorist training sessions. We also know that many of these groups are affiliated with Al Queida, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Jumaat Al Islamiyya, Hezbolla, etc. They are heavily recruiting Black Americans who are incarcerated for violent crimes in prisons throughout the US. These criminals are educated in their doctrine of hate and taught to be Islamic fighters, suicide bombers, etc. Many of these Black converts, as well as Arab Americans have been captured or killed fighting coalition forces in Iraq and Afghanistan.”
Stern and Brown must be kidding. Any perusal of the Homeland Security magazines at Barnes and Noble or Borders clearly reveals the Israeli intelligence community’s overt public dominance of the American Homeland Security department, and all the security seminars around the country being advertised in these publications. If an Islamic terrorist training camp is being tolerated in upstate New York, the Hidden Hand has reasons for it. And if the American Homeland Security types are afraid of Islamic Fundamentalists, Skinheads, and Neo-Nazis and their real or potential access to high-powered weaponry and paramilitary training, what about an organization dedicated to the Zionist principles of Jewish racial supremacism enforced at the point of a gun barrel?
And what about espionage operations against the people and government of the United States conducted by the State of Israel? The Lavon Affair, the USS Liberty attack on June 8, 1967, the Pollard spy case, the PROMIS affair, and the Rosen-Weissman AIPAC and Ben Ami Kadish espionage cases are but a few examples.
And then there is the Kennedy assassination. My review of Michael Collins Piper’s Final Judgment is still relevant a few years later, along with the discomforting knowledge that Israel nuclear dissident and political prisoner, Mordechai Vanunu, affirms Piper’s well substantiated thesis that the ultimate reason for Mr. Kennedy’s violent end involved his tussle with Ben Gurion over the Israeli nuclear program and international inspection of their Dimona plant. Having read thousands of pages on the subject of the end of America’s 35th President, ranging from Anthony Summers’s Conspiracy to David Lifton’s Best Evidence and Jim Marrs’s Crossfire: The Plot that Killed Kennedy, I found Piper’s thesis to be inherently preposterous—until I read the book.
![[Image: jfkelmstreetframe313grassyknollview.jpg?w=300&h=224]](http://mark1marti2.files.wordpress.com/2010/09/jfkelmstreetframe313grassyknollview.jpg?w=300&h=224)
And then there is September 11, 2001, and what Israeli intelligence and American neo-conservatives now have planned in the nature of a preemptive strike on Iran as an expansion of the present disasters in Iraq and Afghanistan.
How will such ongoing insanity be sold to an American public sick of endless war, national debt, declining economy, and cultural cancer?
The tried-and-true methods of the past will be dredged up again. A false flag operation will occur, presumably tied to Iran. Jewish-owned American media consortiums, and Rupert Murdoch’s Fox News, will sell the official line on the meaning of the event and the identity of the perpetrators. Executive Orders will end freedom of expression on the Internet, and establish draconian domestic suppression of responsible dissent well beyond that already produced by the USA Patriot Acts and the panoply of similar legislation post-2001.
Posse Comitatus will end. The American military will assume un-Constitutional powers in domestic law enforcement. Illegal warrantless electronic surveillance of law-abiding American citizens will increase. Demonization of honest opponents of international and domestic policies perpetrated by the advocates of the New World Order will outstrip anything heretofore experienced.
And then there is Kitat Kohenut. Is it an armed citizens’ movement designed to protect Jewish-Americans from criminal predators, foreign and domestic?
Or is it the ultimate Fifth Column, an IDF/Mossad false flag operation and kidon team being ultimately trained and placed in every American community of substance, an instrument for bringing a 21st century version of the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 to these United States?
The sinking of the USS Maine in Havana Harbor, the sinking of the Lusitania, FDR’s machinations on Pearl Harbor as chronicled by Robert Stinnett, the assassination of John Kennedy, the Gulf of Tonkin resolution, and the events of September 11, 2001 in New York are terrifyingly suggestive. Yes, another tried-and-true false flag incendiary is coming. On this point there can be little doubt.
But the ultimate question is this: Will the American public buy it this time?
[Mark Glenn and Mark Dankof will soon be discussing Kitat Kohenut on The Ugly Truth. Stay tuned. . . .]
Written by Mark Dankof
September 4, 2010 at 9:24 pm
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged with AIPAC, American Israeli Political Action Committee (AIPAC), Anthony Summers, Ben Ami Kadish, Best Evidence, Conspiracy, Crossfire: The Plot that Killed Kennedy, David Lifton, Final Judgment, Fox News, IDF, Islamberg, Jim Marrs, Jonathan Pollard, Kennedy Assassination, Kitat Kohenut, Lavon Affair, Mark Glenn, Michael Collins Piper, Mordechai Vanunu, Mossad, Nashid Abdul-Khaaliq, Philip Giraldi, PROMIS, Rosen-Weissman Spy Case, Rupert Murdoch, Scott Brown, The Ugly Truth, USS Liberty, Yonatan Stern
« Tom Tancredo’s Marriage to the MEK: Posterboy for Israel’s Infiltration of the American Right
Mark Dankof on Press TV of Iran: Discussing 9-11 »
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"