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A brief guide to a most unusual website The different power blocks that can be found in the West
A brief guide to a most unusual website
The different power blocks that can be found in the West
"One-third of modern history is still classified* ... [An] intelligence officer turned art teacher ... displayed a color slide of an abstract sculpture. The piece was over six feet tall, of metal branches all intertwined... It was, to all appearances, a random column of ugliness. Hardly the model for a book. "Don't look at the sculpture itself," our friend advised. "Look at the holes." Inside the twisted sculpture was an orderly pattern of smooth ovals, arranged in perfect balance, making sense of the whole... Known history is like the visible surface of the sculpture, a series of harsh, twisted, seemingly unconnected branches. The hidden parts of history, the covert sides, are more orderly and rational, but can be seen and understood only if you are told where to look. The holes in history are what makes sense of the thing; the hidden motives, secret agendas, classified purposes... "
- John Loftus and Mark Aarons, 'The secret war against the Jews', pp. 2 & 12. (* reference to the national security vaults). Loftus once held some of the highest security clearances in the U.S. and NATO.
-- A real introduction still has to be written someday. --
Over the years this site has evolved into a study of different power blocks (in the West), members of which largely share common ideals and common interests. Although the lines can be hard to define, it is possible to identify the main groups. These are listed here, together with links where additional information can be found on this site.
The Anglo-American Establishment
A close working relationship with globalist-oriented neoliberal elements in Great Britain and mainly non-Catholic Europe is the main trait of this group. Members are very much involved with NATO, the United Nations and the sustainable development movement. This group is known as the "New World Order" crowd in patriotic and conspiracy circles in the United States.

This establishment is discussed in great detail in ISGP's Pilgrims Society article and to some extent also in the 1001 Club article. The Anti-Communist hardliners Traditionally aligned with the Anglo-American Establishment and in the early days personified by Allen Dulles, Frank Wisner, and other OSS/CIA leadership. Also came to involve hard-right elements in the Army, Navy, and intelligence agencies as the NSA. Has traditionally been very pro-Arab and anti-Israel because of the oil interests. Over the decades members of the Vatican-Paneuropa network have worked closely with this group in the war against communism. Latter day examples are Zbigniew Brzezinski, Samuel P. Huntington, Obama's National Security Advisor Gen. James L. Jones, and the late Admiral Thomas H. Moorer.

This group has mainly been described in ISGP's Cercle and Beyond Dutroux articles. The Zionists and Neoconservatives The Neoconservatives have traditionally been militant anti-communists, but during the 1950s, 60s, and 70s, became staunch supporters of Israeli militarism. The Israel Lobby, set up in the late 1940s by Israeli intelligence and the Foreign Office in cooperation with the Jewish community in New York, is the primary reason for the existence of today's extremely influential Neoconservative movement in the United States. There's been a close cooperation between Israeli intelligence and pro-Israel elements in U.S. intelligence. The Zionists have also had a close working relationship with some of the Russian oligarchs (and mafia groups) that came to power under Jeltsin. Putin greatly reduced the power of these oligarchs.

The early history of this group has to some extent been described in ISGP's Pilgrims Society article. The history from the 1970s has been touched on in the Cercle and La Nebuleuse articles, although it is by no means complete. The Vatican-Paneuropa Network A network consisting of Europe's radical and militant Catholic aristocracy and the think tanks and action groups they oversee. Many of these aristocrats belong to Opus Dei and the Knights of Malta and have been involved in intelligence or the army. This group seems largely interested in recreating a new Holy Roman Empire. It has also been fiercely anti-communist and therefore has worked closely with U.S. intelligence in combating communism. As the successor to Count Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi, Otto von Habsburg has been a central player in this network for over half a century.

This group has been described in great detail in ISGP's Cercle and Beyond Dutroux articles.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.

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A brief guide to a most unusual website The different power blocks that can be found in the West - by Magda Hassan - 08-10-2010, 12:29 AM

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